Joomla! Template 002096 - Item Support

Hello GERE1972,
You can update all extensions except Kunena forum.

Regards, AS Team.
another question: I´d linke to unpublish the "latest projects" on the first page, so that it is not shown. But I can´t find a gallery oder module for that, which I can unpublish, so that it is not shown any more. How can I do this?
Thanks, gere
Hello GERE1972,
We are sorry, your license for our support is expired, you may extend it from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
so I renewed the license. And now the same quesion again:
I´d linke to unpublish the "latest projects" on the first page, so that it is not shown. But I can´t find a gallery oder module for that, which I can unpublish, so that it is not shown any more. How can I do this?
Thanks, gere1972
Hello GERE1972,
It is integrated to Home page menu item, instead Gallery View Menu item type you have to set Single article or any other type.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello as,
I think I don´t get it. I already saw, that it is a menu item type. First I unpublished all entrys in the menu, but they are still all shown. Maybe I will use it later, so I don´t want to delete it. You wrote: "instead Gallery View Menu item type you have to set Single article or any other type". Sorry, I don´t know how that works.

Regards, gere1972
There is no "Gallery View Menu" item in the menu control. All I find is a "Latest Projects" menu item. But this ist not the part "latest projecs" on the startpage what I mean, it is the part "Testimonials". So the content of the menu item "Latest Projects" is the part of Testimonials. This is somehow very confusing. Sill need to know, how to hide the part "Latest Projects" on the startpage.
Hello GERE1972,
In your Joomla admin panel you go to Menus -> Main Menu -> Home menu item -> under Details tab you have to change Menu Item Type to Single Article, for detailed info how to work with Joomla menu items please see the following documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Additional again:
The guy I build the site for may use the part "Latest Projects". But still I need to know how to hide this part, how/where to change the text "Latest Projects" and there is a problem with this part also: If you click on an entry of the latest parts the content behind it is shown, but therefore the frontpage is reloading and start at the top of the page and don´t jump to the content. So you click an entry of the "latest projects", then the site reloads and the user have to scroll down all the way to the content he wanted to read. So this is very confusing for a visitor, cause he only see, that he went back to the startpage and don´t know that after some scrolling there is his content he wanted to read. It should be like: the reloaded page jumps automatically down to the content he clicked (like an anchor). Is this a bug?
Hello GERE1972,
You have to create a menu items for each entry of the latest parts, then you will be able to manage module assignment.

Regards, AS Team.
The update information is shown, that I can update Kunena from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0 and Joomla from 3.8.5 to 3.9.0. Will the updates work or do I have to update other components/modules before? I mean maybe components/modules their update possibility are not shown in backend management overview and they may crash with Joomla 3.9.0?
Hello GERE1972,
The template is fully compatible with the latest Joomla version, but we did not test it with the latest Kunena version.
Our suggestion is to perform full website backup before any updates.

Regards, AS Team.
I bougt the template 002096 two years ago I think and it was running with no problems. But when I checked it, the upper parts are totally displaced.
The slider things should be in the middle and in big size and the other things should be in center below?
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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