Joomla! Template 002022 - Item Support

Question: Hi I have bought template 002022 Premium Version.

Is it possible to get an Image on the white overall background?

Best regards, Ercole de Brouwer
Hello ercoledebrouwer,
Sorry, this template doesn't have option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a strange thing. When I adjust the module ”Unique Design” on the home page or ” Fully Customizable”

The text is no longer on the right of the picture but below.

When I paste the original code back to the module, it stays that way

See for example.

Please advise me what to do

Regards Ercole
Hello ercoledebrouwer,

You put the image in paragraph, [p] tag, please check your source code, you will see the difference.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the answer, but I didn't change the original code. I did change it, but I changed i t back to the original and the text stays under the picture.

I use the following code:

<p><img src='templates/as002022/images/img1.png' border='0' alt='' title='' width='220' height='150' /></p>
<h3>Unique Design</h3>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, arofone consectetur adipiscing elitorama. Sed sodales venenatis nulla eget porttitor. Pellentesque dui sapien, pharetra.</p>
<div class='readmore'><a href='#' target='_self'>Read More</a></div>

Hello ercoledebrouwer,

Instead of:

<p><img src='templates/as002022/images/img1.png' border='0' alt='' title='' width='220' height='150' /></p>

You have to put the following:

<img src='templates/as002022/images/img1.png' border='0' alt='' title='' width='220' height='150' />

Without <p></p> tag

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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