Joomla! Template 002022 - Item Support

I'm having a problem with text entry field areas, such as login modules, the text box width setting is ignored and spans too far. It seems your templates are overriding character width settings.

You can see two examples here, notice the mini calendar pull downs are full width... as is the search text entry box.

Any ideas?

Otherwise absolutely the best templates I've ever seen.


Hello RogerDAZ,
Our template doesn't have css for the calendar module, you have to write it by your self, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you. I have another question. For example you have a custom html text module in positions 12 and 15. By default they each get 50% of the page from left to right. If I wanted p12 to have 75% and p15 the remaining 25% is there a way?

I guess you could say I'm trying to treat that row like you could a table row.

Thank you,

After some more exploring; is there a way to restrain a module position so it doesn't expand past the module layout positions?
Hello RogerDAZ,
Sorry, there is no such option in the template parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased template as002022. I use CB Community Builder with Ajax name and email checking during registration and just discovered your template prevents the Ajax from checking either.

Any solutions for this problem?

thank you,
Hello RogerDAZ,
Sorry we are not supporting third-party extension for free, if you are interested in our services please contact us through "Our Services" page.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I'm not asking you to support the third party Community Builder component, it works fine in stock joomla templates and all other templates I've used except yours.

I'm asking why is it happening with your template and can it be fixed. If it can't work with existing non problematic popular addons it isn't doing me any good, correct?

I'd be more than happy to contact you through your services page with the understanding I don't expect to pay for something I just bought to be fixed?

If it isn't possible I'd be satisfied with a refund and keep move on to another.

Thank you for your understanding,
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Joomla 3 Product
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