my Template Wedding PT has Unite Revolution Slider 2 v 4.7.3 b3
This component does not work with PHP 7.1
My server has PHP 7.1
I need a new Unite Revolution Slider 2
POSTED: 2018-01-27
Have you downloaded the latest version? The latest version contains V5.0.8 of the slider. Please download once more and you'll find the slider enclosed which you can install over the existing one.
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my Template Wedding PT has Unite Revolution Slider 2 v 4.7.3 b3
This component does not work with PHP 7.1
My server has PHP 7.1
I need a new Unite Revolution Slider 2
Have you downloaded the latest version? The latest version contains V5.0.8 of the slider. Please download once more and you'll find the slider enclosed which you can install over the existing one.
Thank you
Kind Regards