Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

I will like to modify the drop down menu on the main menu. I've look at the css files but could not locate the main menu information.

Please help. I only need to change the length and width of the drop down menu

Best regards,

Hello XANADU8,
What is your site url? We will check it and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
I installed the template and it looks very good. Now I want to make some changes to the individual pages.

Where can I find the content:

Featured Events

Fusce vehicula posuere ante. Mauris nunc sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris. Fusce lobortis, diam eget faucibus ornare, lectus mauris tempus urna, ac tristique risus tellus nec dolor. Fusce mauris mauris, egestas nec vehicula quis, fermentum in purus. Proin sed magna neque. Nullam congue malesuada congue.

Nulla suscipit molestie mauris in posuere. Ut tempor rhoncus dolor eu aliquet. Praesent eget ligula dapibus ligula mollis pharetra. Proin feugiat aliquam ultricies. Fusce vitae tellus vitae augue cursus dictum vitae ut nulla. Quisque eu arcu erat. Nullam in felis id quam laoreet ultricies et in massa. Ut bibendum interdum lorem, ac ornare est tincidunt non. Quisque eget tempus felis. "

I could not locate it in the modules not in articles.

Also, I need to make changes to the dropdown menu

Need to change "Who We Are?" and "What we do" where are the located.

Use this link:

please do not publish the link about.

Hello XANADU8,
You can find it under Articles category, look for the Services, there are 2 articles with such name, you need with alias 'services'.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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