Joomla! Template 002102 - Item Support

The images of the "Home Slider" are shown left, but I want to show them "centered".
If I go to an article from category "Home Slider" and go to "images and links", at Full Article Image I cannot see "Image Float" where I have a drop down menu to change "left" to another position, but I have "CSS-Class Image". There is a textfield and there is written "left".
If I change this text "left" to "middle" or "center" nothing happens.
How can I change position of the images of Home Slider from left to center?
Many thanks for your help in advance.

Best regards,
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, the image is in the center, can you please provide us with a screenshot?

Regards, AS Team.
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Dear astemplates Team,

It doesn't matter which browser you use, edge, chrome or firefox..., the slider image is left und the slider size is too big although I take the same size as your slide-1.jpg
Many thanks for you help in advance.
And please do not public this message. Thank you.

Best regards,
Under the slider module Advanced Options tab you have to set Bootstrap column size to 12.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,
The "back to top" button appears on scrolling down the page. How can I say the "back to top" button, that he appears from the beginning of visiting the page?

Best regards,
Dear AS Templates Team,
In the meantime could you find a way how to help me?

In css/tmpl.default.css starting on line 425 "#back-top" I tried several possibilities, especially with "visibility: visible;" but perhaps at wrong places or incorrectly added. I would very much appreciate if you can give me a hint resp. support. Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Try this:

#back-top {
display: block !important;

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

Perfect! This works. Many many thanks for your help.

Best regards,
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