Joomla! Template 002103 - Item Support

Love this template. I even paid for it, but am having major struggles to get the menu/nav bar to show the linked articles up on the home page. Also cannot get footer layout changes to apply for some reason. Is there anyway possible someone can call me Monday?
What is your website url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?
We are sorry, we are providing support via the template support page only.

Regards, AS Team.

Thanks for getting back to me so soon. After rereading the documentation I see I did miss the quickstart package, but am not seeing how joomla can recognize that sample data when installing it. I did upload it via ftp via cpanel (using godaddy as host). The Joomla UI for the installation from the documentation looks quite different than what I see. The only option I get is if I want Joomlas sample data. I feel I am close, but just cannot get that sample data option to show during the install. my url is . If you could email me ( directly or call me that would be great.
So I have actually made huge headway since last comment. Got quickstart installed properly and now am just making few edits. Any further documentation besides the installation? I just am trying to figure out how to change green font to red now, and the green buttons such as "read more" or "more." Tried changing several font colors under template styles and no luck.
It can be changed by editing css files. You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firebug plugin:

For more info please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
I will try this plugin out! Yeah I was struggling to find which ones. Thanks for the response.
Looks like firebug does not exist anymore.
You can get it here:

Regards, AS Team.
So I am trying now to remove this "Latest Projects" title area. Please take a look. Tried everything and no luck.
It is a page heading which can be removed in the Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Page menu item -> Page Display -> Page Heading parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
Awesome... fixed that. The other two things I'd like to fix on this page is editing the body of text under service rates

scroll down

this body of text

Aenean quis interdum lorem. Nam aliquam felis laoreet ultrices tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui felis, euismod id orci non, dignissim gravida purus. Quisque egestas nibh sed ligula bibendum interdum. Pellentesque a tortor cursus, placerat ante ac, euismod lacus. Phasellus nibh elit, porttitor a nibh eget, dictum mollis nulla. Praesent id felis egestas, commodo augue in, varius quam. Fusce auctor ipsum vel arcu laoreet, quis consectetur erat vulputate. Pellentesque scelerisque gravida turpis, at vulputate dui blandit quis.

Can not find this under the service rates module or articles. Where is this located?

Then I would like to remove the white block between Service Rates and "PROFESSIONAL TECH REPAIR AT AFFORDABLE RATES"
Please see module id 171 in position 7, the text you can find under Basic options tab Pretext text area.

The block is your page content area, you have to publish some article there, or you can remove the spacing by editing tmpl.default.css file the following class (line 4792):

#main-content-row {
background-color: #cccccc;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 140px 0 100px;

Regards, AS Team.
how do I add an article to the grey block of text?

I think then I will move this position below where it says rates. That I believe I know how to do.
You have to assign your article to the menu item, you can do it as a Single article:

Regards, AS Team.
I see there was an update back in October. Is there a way I can apply the update to Joomla without losing all the changes I've made to customize the template for my site? Thanks
Sorry, we do not know what changes you made, but we can provide you with a list of updated files:

Regards, AS Team.
Also, I am having issues with the captcha not displaying for the EMAIL US portions on my site. Scroll down to bottom. However, it is appearing, just fine under the contact form under the contact us page. I made sure the site key is entered, and the captcha part is turned on for the EMAIL US form on the home page.

Lastly, Under the About Us section, I can not figure out how "Best In Class" text is still displaying there. I have renamed the article that was once called that. I have spent several hours looking for how it is still there.

There are two blocks titled Need a "Quick Estimate, and Affordable and Reliable" also in this section under about us. When I try removing them, it also removes them from the home page. I cannot seem to figure out in Joomla how to prevent removing something in one area and keeping it in the other.

I know it is a lot of questions. I appreciate your help. This is likely all I need done then. The rest is simple CSS, and retyping some fields. I almost have it looking how I want it. Hopefully my last contact to you guys. Thanks?

We are sorry, the contact form in the contact module does not have an option for showing CAPTCHA.

"Best In Class" is a page heading which can be change under the About menu item Page Display tab.

We think it is because these modules assigned on bath pages, the assignment you can manage under the module Menu Assignment tab, for more info please see Joomla documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
That’s weird cause I saw options for recaptcha in that module. So I noticed you guys have the same template for Wordpress. I’ve been using another template you have that I purchased a license for today. It’s organized SOOO much better than Joomla. Please tell me it’s possible to take the current edited template I have for joomla and transition it somehow to the Wordpress one you guys have. Thanks. You guys are super helpful on here.
The similar WordPress theme you can purchase here:

It is on sale now.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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