Header hight is smaller then original. How can i get header hight like on original template?
POSTED: 2023-08-19
Is this your website? http://knjigovodstvo-vrankovic.hr
I checked but it's good like demo, no problem with header bar.
Can you le me know in details?
POSTED: 2023-08-19
yea, it is my page.
Is it possible to send you screenshot?
POSTED: 2023-08-20
Please make screenshot, upload to website https://imgbb.com
and share me a link.
POSTED: 2023-08-31
sorry for late answer. Header problem is solved. Tnx for your help.
I got another question, Home page-blog- article title: first letter uppercase, i`am from south of Europe and by us only fist letter of first word is big (uppercase) and other words are with small first letter. I know that i must change something in css but i can`t find the right file and the right row. Can you help me please. Tnx
POSTED: 2023-09-01
Just go to Template options, open tab "Custom Code" and add more CSS as below for "Custom CSS code" field
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Is this your website? http://knjigovodstvo-vrankovic.hr
I checked but it's good like demo, no problem with header bar.
Can you le me know in details?
yea, it is my page.
Is it possible to send you screenshot?
Please make screenshot, upload to website https://imgbb.com
and share me a link.
sorry for late answer. Header problem is solved. Tnx for your help.
I got another question, Home page-blog- article title: first letter uppercase, i`am from south of Europe and by us only fist letter of first word is big (uppercase) and other words are with small first letter. I know that i must change something in css but i can`t find the right file and the right row. Can you help me please. Tnx
Just go to Template options, open tab "Custom Code" and add more CSS as below for "Custom CSS code" field
.jm-category-module.default .jmm-text .jmm-title {
text-transform: capitalize;
Save and recheck.