Hello! Bought this template recently. Can't install it. The admin panel writes:
The manifest file could not be found.
POSTED: 2020-12-29
Please unzip download package first, then browse file Template Install package during install your template.
POSTED: 2020-12-29
This is my hosting answer:
These errors are typical for corrupted files. This is possible when the archive is not fully downloaded to the computer, when the archive is unpacked. Also, the file itself may be damaged.
POSTED: 2020-12-29
What account did you purchase? Not sure but I see your profile show that "The item has not been purchased.".
Did you purchase with other account?
Get an access to all 178 items designed and developed by Engine Templates team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
Price starting from $59.00
The manifest file could not be found.
Please unzip download package first, then browse file Template Install package during install your template.
These errors are typical for corrupted files. This is possible when the archive is not fully downloaded to the computer, when the archive is unpacked. Also, the file itself may be damaged.
What account did you purchase? Not sure but I see your profile show that "The item has not been purchased.".
Did you purchase with other account?