Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Great template!
I purchased the premium.

I am replacing the slideshow with flash content that is not as wide as the position 3 container. How can I get the position 3 to wrap my module and push it to the right edge of the page?

Try to make changes in slider.css file which can be found in:
thanks, adjustments to slider.css helped. What about slideshow.css? not used?

sorry for ?'s, joomla noob in the house!

issues im having.

1)I am unable to clear the logo background image. When clear is clicked the field clears but upon save the field repopulates.
2)Can positions be used for any purpose? I want to place a statement in the breadcrumbs load position. I made a custom html module containing the text but it will not display in breadcrumbload.

is there an email address that would be better for questions instead of filling this thread?

You don't need to make any changes in slideshow.
1) We will add additional parameter in the template config options, you can point it on file like this one:
just copy it in the joomla images folder and then point on it.
2) Positions can be used for any purposes, probably you will need to make some changes in css files.
3) You can contact us using 'Contact Us' page.

I was having issues with the slidenews wrapping text, added ”white-space:nowrap” to fix issue.

how do i speed up the slidenews?

how do i change logo image when not displaying slideshow? Slideshow will be homepage only but I need a smaller logo displayed in ”halfheader”.

We don't have a speed parameter as template parameter, but you can do it by changing scrollamount in the index.php file from 2 to 3 or higher.
Regarding the logo it should be developed, if you are interested in our services please contact us by email.
Logo is already developed, all I need is the PHP logic to switch them out when the slideshow is not shown.

I find the AStemplates use quite a bit of php logic in comparison to other joomla templates available. Heavy commenting on purchased templates would be appreciated so the average user with a bit of coding experience could add or subtract parameters or un-comment sections to modify the templates instead of being told the template can be modified for $40hr.

support is a relative term only defined by the end users experience.

Could you tel us please, what is a price for templates with heavy commenting and a lot of php logic on other sites?
I'd like to use a smaller font(10pt) and font familiy when displaying in positions 16,17,18,20,21,22 on the homepage but have the page display (12pt) and another font family when showing the full page after clicking ”readmore”

Sorry, the smallest available size is 11px, as well, 9 font styles. Please see template parameters for all options.
ok, 11pt on home page in 16,17,18,20,21,22, then the next largest font on the actual page that the readmore links to
It should be developed, there are no such options.
another question:

I need to expand the main article area horizontally without losing position #40. I have been able to tweak the css pr params to shrink #40 but not able to expand main area.

help is always appreciated

another question:

I need to expand the main article area horizontally without losing position #40. I have been able to tweak the css or params to shrink #40 but not able to expand main area.

help is always appreciated
It should be checked, please contact us by email to discuss details. It may cost you some fees.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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