Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support
Hello ALEKS2015,
We must to have an access to your Joomla admin panel in case to help you, on the pictures we only see that you have a wrong url.

Regards, AS Team.

It is necessary to specify the full URL. External.

A reference to the internal URL is not working. Why?


Checking the validity of the html and css code site. Errors. Send me a mail service cost on correcting errors. Thank you.

Hello ALEKS2015,
For our services please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
It does not work feedback.
Failed to connect to SMTP.

hoster says that he is doing well.

please help.
Hello ALEKS2015,
Sorry, our support team can't help you in this case because the issue is not related to the template, all settings you have to receive from your hosting company.

Regards, AS Team.
Here is the answer provider: The problem is in your script feedback form.
Hello ALEKS2015,
You can try to install Joomla on another server, do not use server of the same provider, we can recommend you GoDaddy:

Regards, AS Team.
Here is the answer provider:

1. Our area of responsibility - performance SMTP-server and it works. That is how your script works and why it does not work - we do not know, and this is not our area of responsibility.
2. Example script with authorization to your SMTP-server port on the 25th:

Everything works fine. Look for a problem in your code.
Hello ALEKS2015,
The script comes from Joomla, try to install default Joomla package from website and check it.

Regards, AS Team.
$smtp_server = "";
$port = 25;
$mydomain = "";
$username = "";
$password = "Jew~h559";
$sender = "";
$recipient = "";
$subject = "Test is OK";
$content = "Test is OK";

// Initiate connection with the SMTP server
$handle = fsockopen($smtp_server, $port);
fputs($handle, "EHLO $mydomain\r\n");

// SMTP authorization
fputs($handle, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
fputs($handle, base64_encode($username)."\r\n");
fputs($handle, base64_encode($password)."\r\n");

// Send out the e-mail
fputs($handle, "MAIL FROM:<$sender>\r\n");
fputs($handle, "RCPT TO:<$recipient>\r\n");
fputs($handle, "DATA\r\n");
fputs($handle, "To: $recipient\r\n");
fputs($handle, "Subject: $subject\r\n");
fputs($handle, "$content\r\n");
fputs($handle, ".\r\n");

// Close connection to SMTP server
fputs($handle, "QUIT\r\n");
... "Try to install Joomla default of"
I'm an amateur. How to do it. I fear that this will break the structure of the site.
Hello ALEKS2015,
You have to install it in some demo folder, the default joomla package should be installed in the same way like our quick-start package:

Also, as we suggested, you can try another hosting provider.

Regards, AS Team.
Why not allow you to download a template?
That is, I have to install joomla in the folder htdocs?
Hello ALEKS2015,
Your license to download the item and receiving our free support is expired. The license grants you access to download the item/design for a period of 365 days (90 days for selected clubs) after the date of purchase. During this period, the item/design will be upgraded regularly and your license grants you permission to download these upgrades. After your license expires, you may continue to use the templates your entitlements allow for, so the templates are not time-limited. For more info please see our terms of use:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi. Help. Which script is responsible for sending messages through a form? Problem still exists. The feedback form is not working.
Hello ALEKS2015,
Our suggestion is to ask Joomla community:, your question is related to Joomla API.

Regards, AS Team.
About a miracle! The feedback form works!
Someone explain to me. How so?
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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