Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

I want the complet body/background in black not in white - in which css can i change this ? i tried to find it by myself - but did not find where to change the color !!!
THX for reply - Great Template !

Try in styles.php file
could you be so kind and tell me where there ??? i already tried .. maybe i changed the wrong parameter ... i am using the PRO Template

thank you
In the styles.php file, in the first class called body please change the background-color parameter to:
background-color: #000000;
Thank you for your fast reply - one last question - where in the styles.php can i change the color for the CONTENT Background ???

thank you
The content background is set to transparent, means it inherits the body background color, see lines 346 and 567 in styles.php file.
changed both to ”#000000” but takes no effect - you mean this lines

background-color: transparent;


#colmain #component
background-color: #[?php echo $bodybgcolor; ?];
border-color: #DEDEDE;

me again. I have a Menu Published on Position 1 - in which file and where in this file can i change the aligment - i want the menu items to be centered ...

thank you and merry Xmas ...

It can be done in the template.css file.
could you please be a little more specific ... i think i tried every possibility but didnt got the right result ...

thank you
in the templates folder you find a folder as002031 and in this folder you will find a folder named ”CSS” there you will find all CSS files ..
All menu classes located between lines 307 and 428 in template.css file, as well in styles.php file between lines 174 and 247.

'To make your life easier', we can suggest you to work with Mozilla Firebug Add-ons, it is wonderful tool for web designers.
thank you for your replay ... i already use firebug ... but i think i was to stupid to find the right parameters ...

now i will try again ... thy
found class:

#header #topmenu {
float: left;

”float: center;”

has no effect .... only left or right

sorry CSS is not my ”homelanguage”


i know my license for this template has expired - but if you look into my account you see that i bought a few other templates where the license are still active - so i hope you are so kiind and help me with a little problem.

i use the template on this site:

on the the right columm i place a "newsmodule" now i've been trying for days to change the white in grey or something else - i browsed through styles.php, template.css but i can't find the place where the white beackground is defined - on all other modules that i use on that size i could change the BG colour.

please be so kind a help me ...


In the template.css fole please find the following class:
#colleft li,
#colright li
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
line-height: 30px;
list-style: disc inside none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0 10px;
text-align: left;

and add backgroug-image property:

background-image: none !important;

Regards, AS Team.
yes it worx - thanks for your fast replay

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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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