Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

I cannot make the same front page is yours.
I have 3 articles which i would like to partially show just like on your index page:

It doesn't look good.
I choose menu item type blog-featured, but I cannot to make the same layout you have. There are 2 issues:
1) how did you make thumbnails (not images) displaying in this case?
2) When you click on ”read more” - it lands on article page but with no part before ”read more” - no title, no image. How to fix it?


1. The thumbnail and the main image are different pictures.
2. As example take your first article: OUR MISSION, it's done correctly. As we see it contains the 'read more' button and all text before the button, please pay attention on the following tag in your featured article:

[hr id=”system-readmore” /]

How to make it? I want to have img1.jpg in the article and img1.thumb.jpg in the menu item ”blog-featured”, where top part of that article appears.
Here is a source code example of the 'Welcome' article:

<p><img src="templates/as002031/images/sampledata/img1.thumb.jpg" alt="" /><br />
Nulla eu enim eget erat condimentum posuere. Duis magna est, laoreet ac mattis et, elementum eget justo. Vestibulum lobortis eleifend dolor ut porta. Aenean ac quam magna, id vestibulum lacus. Proin facilisis adipiscing nunc, sed porttitor arcu accumsan eget.</p>
<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="templates/as002031/images/sampledata/img1.jpg" alt="" class="left" />
Nulla eu enim eget erat condimentum posuere. Duis magna est, laoreet ac mattis et, elementum eget justo. Vestibulum lobortis eleifend dolor ut porta. Aenean ac quam magna, id vestibulum lacus. Proin facilisis adipiscing nunc, sed porttitor arcu accumsan eget. Morbi tempor laoreet tempus. Pellentesque fermentum nulla vitae enim pulvinar fringilla. Nulla tellus purus, tincidunt id venenatis sed, aliquet ac odio. Pellentesque ultricies sollicitudin tortor. Sed fringilla, magna vel faucibus hendrerit, libero justo pharetra justo, ut dapibus ante magna ac nulla. Praesent condimentum lectus eget dolor condimentum posuere..</p>
Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
Praesent iaculis molestie tortor nec iaculis.
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Joomla 5 Product
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