Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

I have just purchased & installed Industry, using Quickstart. I want to keep the default colour option but change the contrast colour from red to blue. I have managed to do this for most things can't find the bullet icon used in the menu items. Would you direct me please?

Many thanks.
Can you please provide us with the page URL where do you have this problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Another couple of queries on customisation - I'm, new to 2.5 & struggling without an 'apply' option - how do I return a template setting back to it's original default if I don't like an override?

Also - I'd like to dim down the white background just a tad - where is the param for that?

Many thanks for your support - first time I've used a template with custom sample data - sound idea!
The bullets are list style images, which can be found in the template images folder, please see styles, and can be edited in the PSD file included in the downloading package.

Sorry, this template doesn't have restore button, to default setting you can put colors only by deleting the hex code.

Quite not understood your question regarding:
"I'd like to dim down the white background just a tad - where is the param for that?", what do you mean please.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi - great, bullets now solved, many thanks .

I'm used to accessing & editing CSS & template files from the admin back end in Joomla's template manager, so I was confused not to find access there. I've now found them in the download files via file manager, so will play with editing and upload via cPanel.

Re: "I'd like to dim down the white background" - Sorry to confuse you - I want to change the overall template background colour to very light grey instead of white. I have found the override but it only changes the bottom half. Now that I have found the CSS code files I may be able to do it - I will come back to you if not.

Many thanks
Thank You for noticing about the issue with the background color. Yes, there is a problem with the background image. We will fix it during 24 hours and upload on the server.

Regards, AS Team.
OK -Will I need a new template file?

Many thanks.
You will need to update some files, we will let you know when the release will be done.

Regards, AS Team.
Also - just a bit of feedback:

On the issue of restoring defaults when trying out custom edits - it would be really helpful if the default hex appeared in the Template manager CSS form.

Maybe there is some technical reason why this is not possible & if so please excuse my ignorance!

Thanks again for your help & support.
All default color settings you can find in the template css folder, for example:
Autumn - style.autumn.css
Cherry - style.cherry.css
Default - style.default.css

Regards, AS Team.

Hi - I want to add some custom class suffix module styling but I'm not sure where to add the code - can you advise me please?

Also - is there any easy way to keyword search through item comments, or do I just have to read through all 800+ to look for a topic?

Many thanks for any help.
1. You can add it in the tmpl.custom.css file.
2. Sorry, we don't have search option yet.

Regards, AS Team.
I now have another problem - with Moo Slider module.

I have edited the caption text in the Moo slider and one or two of the text style settings and now it doesn't work - although I did not change the autoplay setting.

I've tried adding timings but this made no difference so have taken them out again.

I've tried changing autoplay to off, saving then changing it back to on & saving again - but this didn't work either.

Please advise how to re-start the slideshow ...............

Many thanks.
We have to see this issue, please provide us with your site url.

Regards, AS Team.
And now a further problem too:

Because I don't like the layout of category blog menu link, I have created 4 custom html modules, each containing an image (tree linked to an article) and also your code for a Read More button (linke d to the same articles). I have created a new article in which I have embedded all 4 modules and that works OK, but the modules display in a single column. I want to display all 4 custom modules in a line horizontally. I have added your code for for four column layout in between each loadposition script, but it doen't work and apply - it just displays the code on the page instead.

Where have I gone wrong?

Please note that I am not receiving email notifications of your responses, even though I have the box below ticked.
Because you made custom work it should be checked by our developers, you have ask for customization services:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi again - I'm sorry but these are not customisation issues. I may come back and get a quote from you for some custom class suffixes later, but the problem I'm having now must be template related. Maybe I haven't explained well enough - I will try again.

1. The Moo slider problem: I have not customised this, only edited the settings in the parameter form that is displayed when the module is opened. I have substituted my own text for the sample text and set a larger font. This has caused the autoplay to stop and I can't get it to start again. Please tell me how to fix this issue.

2. I seem to have solved the problem of displaying my custom html modules with your 4 column script - either I made a mistake in the code or my editor (JCK) caused a code syntax problem. BUT NOW after removing an extra line space in just one of the custom html modules (between the image and the Read More button), the four modules refuse to sit in a line across the page but instead display in a stepped down layout - do you have any suggestions?
On which page we can see the problem with MooSlider module please.

Regards, AS Team.
Another template issue I'm afraid: some module positions will not collapse.

I have modules assigned to positions 50; 52; 53 and 62 with nothing in 54 or 63, but module 62 will not flow across the 63 position.

I cannot see any place to control or set this on - have I missed something?


Many thanks for any help.
Sorry, not quite understand the problem, can you please let us know the module title, and page where is it published. On the home page everything looks fine:

Regards, AS Team.
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