WordPress Theme LT Apptune - Checkout

Original item price: $29.00

Sale price: $21.75
The item may be used for a single domain only.

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Item Name:
LT Apptune
Item Version:
Joomla and WordPress Templates

About WordPress Theme LT Apptune

LT Apptune is a premium WordPress theme used for mobile apps developers to showcase and purchase their high quality products easily. The theme has a clean interface with bright colors that make it very easy to create a professional landing page to promote your mobile app or other types of software. Come with fully responsiveness, LT Apptune makes your site bright when showing on any mobile devices, and displays your site content perfectly. Besides, there are many necessary features for customizing and developing your site have been integrated to this WordPress Mobile App theme. Feel free to come and take a look at Live Demo, you will not disappoint!