WordPress Theme ET Cowork - Item Support

I'd like to be able to change some colors. when on the homepage (using the sample content) the header menu has white text and a white background, I'd like to be able to change that to black text on the white background.

Once I start scrolling down the page, the background behind the header turns an ugly purple. I'd like to keep the background behind the header white the enter time. I'd also like to replace that purple color with black throughout the site.

Thanks in advance!

At this point I've managed to get rid of the white bar across the top, but as you scroll down, the dark purple bar pops up, and that purple shows up in other elements, I'd like to globally replace the purple with black throughout the site.
The other problem is the logo is being resized too small. I'd like to get it a bit bigger and have it aligned with the text in the menu.

Thanks for any help!
Oh... here's the site... https://staging.islandmediaservices.com/
POSTED: 2019-10-08

I completed the changes you provided, the white bar is still above the page, behind the header menu and logo.

Any other suggestions?

Thank you!
POSTED: 2019-10-10

In the images you provided, the first image shows the page as it originally loads: https://take.ms/IrlMs See the top is all white? I need to make that black.

The second image you provided, https://take.ms/Fd1nm shows the black background, this is how I want it to appear all the time.

Additionally, I need to change the dark purple in this image to black...

Thank you!

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Item Name:
ET Cowork
Item Version:
$29.00 $23.10
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $31.20
Extended License

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