Hi, thanks for the prompt response. There is no JS in Header / Footer Script. The disadvantage is that I do not even have the option to enter the logo. When I put the option "logo imegen" disappears and I have no place to load it.
POSTED: 2019-02-12
Could you please attach your site address and admin login in your profile, so I can see and login to check it.
I have purchased the WORDPRESS THEME LT SCHOOL and in the zip file there is no file ror theme .zip but a file .wpress, How can I install the theme? No quickstart file also
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Please find if you have any custom JS code via Admin > Genesis, go to end of this page, take a look for "Header/Footer Script".
If you see any script on that fields, just remove all and recheck your Logo.
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Hi, thanks for the prompt response. There is no JS in Header / Footer Script. The disadvantage is that I do not even have the option to enter the logo. When I put the option "logo imegen" disappears and I have no place to load it.
Could you please attach your site address and admin login in your profile, so I can see and login to check it.
Thank you,
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It's corrected. BTW, size of Logo is 250x50 (pixels).
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You just follow this guide to import theme and demo content (full website) like demo http://ltheme.com/how-to-install-quickstart-package-for-wordpress-theme/