WordPress Theme 006057 - Item Support

The downloaded zip is not suitable to WP upload. How to get the webpage looks similar as the demo?
To make your website exact like our demo preview you have to use duplicator, here you can find more info regarding using it:

Regards, AS Team.
now works, thank you. That way I should buy the designing club version!

I just would like to know, if I can do menu, sub menu ... and more in this template. ? How many categories i can do? Thank you for your answer.
Hello EVIKXP79,
WordPress does not have a limitation with menus, submenus or categories.

Regards, AS Team.

thank you so much for your answer, but I have another question. We probably would like to buy your template. I would like to know, if we receive also a documentation of this template. Also it is possible to change the on the top of the page the orange line. And it it possible to put maybe 10 categories side by side on one line. Thank you .
Hello EVIKXP79,
The template installation documentation comes with the template. To change the orange line you will need to make small changes in the template css file. We think you can put categories in one line.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, Please I cant find the username and password to log in to the wordpress admin panel
Sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium template version only.

Regards, AS Team.
This is Damodhar Iam having problem to install your theme in my website so kindly help me how cam i install .I purchased your theme.
Did you check the theme installation documentation?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi I'm using Cherry template which is purchase from as template side , after 2 month all function are disable and the template now unable to configure kindly assist . thx
Did you make any changes in the template or updates?

Regards, AS Team.
Good afternoon. I have acquired the item: 006057, I already install it in my hosting, but when I try to activate it, it asks for a license number that I do not have, can you provide it to me? I await your response. Thank you. My Email is marketingdigital360group@gmail.com

Best Regards

The template does not require any license, have you installed it accordingly to the theme documentation?

Regards, AS Team.
Good afternoon,
Our Hosting is not allowing the replication of THEME 006057 wordpress with replicator. At the current moments, replicator has an error in which it requests to expand the max_allowed_packet field in mysql. We see the installation of the theme too complicated, in addition the video of its documentation is old and the new version of the replicator pluggin has changes. We have lost a lot of time. Reason for which I am requesting the refund of the money through paypal.

What is your max_allowed_packet size, PHP and SQL version? Your hosting should meet minimum installation requirements, just checked the duplicator, it is working fine.

Regards, AS Team.
Here is the Log Please Help me
STEP1 START @ 10:31:41
NOTICE: Do NOT post to public sites or forums
VERSION: 1.1.6
PHP: 7.1.12 | SAPI: cgi-fcgi
SERVER: Apache
DOC ROOT: /var/www/vhosts/todoandroid360.com/grupodigital360.com
DOC ROOT 755: true
LOG FILE 644: true
BUILD NAME: 20160422_technoweb_571a525f744e43518160422163335
REQUEST URL: https://www.grupodigital360.com/installer.php

NAME: 20160422_technoweb_571a525f744e43518160422163335_archive.zip
SIZE: 34.77MB
ZIP: Enabled (ZipArchive Support)
ZipArchive Object
[status] => 0
[statusSys] => 0
[numFiles] => 3681
[filename] => /var/www/vhosts/todoandroid360.com/grupodigital360.com/20160422_technoweb_571a525f744e43518160422163335_archive.zip
[comment] =>

- Backup of .htaccess/web.config made to .orig
- Reset of .htaccess/web.config files

- SQL FILE: '/var/www/vhosts/todoandroid360.com/grupodigital360.com/installer-data.sql'
- WP-CONFIG: '/var/www/vhosts/todoandroid360.com/grupodigital360.com/wp-config.php'

ARCHIVE RUNTIME: 1.0337 sec.

MAXPACK: 16777216
**ERROR** database error write 'Invalid default value for 'comment_date'' - [sql=
CREATE TABLE `wp00600_comments` (
`comment_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT N...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Invalid default value for 'created'' - [sql=
CREATE TABLE `wp00600_duplicator_packages` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NO...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Invalid default value for 'link_updated'' - [sql=
CREATE TABLE `wp00600_links` (
`link_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AU...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Invalid default value for 'post_date'' - [sql=
CREATE TABLE `wp00600_posts` (
`ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_IN...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Invalid default value for 'user_registered'' - [sql=
CREATE TABLE `wp00600_users` (
`ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_IN...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=

/* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp00600_comments */
INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` ...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("3", "193", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("4", "229", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("5", "229", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("6", "224", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("7", "235", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("8", "233", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("9", "237", "asadmin", "a@a.com", "",...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("10", "625", "Antonio", "a@a.com", "#...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("11", "623", "Antonio", "a@a.com", "#...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_comments' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_comments` VALUES("12", "611", "Antonio", "a@a.com", "#...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_duplicator_packages' doesn't exist' - [sql=
/* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp00600_duplicator_packages */
INSERT INTO `wp00600_...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x9B\xB3, ...' for column 'option_value' at row 1' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_options` VALUES("3167", "_transient_feed_ac0b00fe65abe...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=
/* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp00600_posts */
INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES(...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("17", "1", "2016-03-09 00:29:54", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("18", "1", "2016-03-09 00:29:56", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("19", "1", "2016-03-09 00:29:58", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("22", "1", "2016-03-09 00:40:13", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("24", "1", "2016-03-09 00:41:59", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("26", "1", "2016-03-09 00:46:18", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("33", "1", "2016-03-09 23:04:24", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("43", "1", "2016-03-14 02:10:27", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("44", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:17", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("45", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:19", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("46", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:21", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("47", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:23", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("48", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:25", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("49", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:27", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("50", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:29", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("51", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:30", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("52", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:33", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("53", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:35", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("54", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:36", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("55", "1", "2016-03-14 02:09:38", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("59", "1", "2016-03-14 02:12:00", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("61", "1", "2016-03-14 02:14:34", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("63", "1", "2016-03-14 02:16:54", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("71", "1", "2016-03-15 01:29:16", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("72", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:20", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("73", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:21", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("74", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:23", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("75", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:24", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("76", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:25", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("77", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:27", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("78", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:28", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("79", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:30", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("80", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:31", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("81", "1", "2016-03-15 01:25:33", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("83", "1", "2016-03-15 01:37:13", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("85", "1", "2016-03-15 01:38:34", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("92", "1", "2016-03-15 02:28:33", "2016-...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("105", "1", "2016-03-15 21:07:35", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("111", "1", "2016-03-15 22:02:13", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("113", "1", "2016-03-15 22:10:10", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("117", "1", "2016-03-16 01:20:23", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("120", "1", "2016-03-16 01:22:11", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("122", "1", "2016-03-16 01:23:28", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("124", "1", "2016-03-16 01:26:13", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("126", "1", "2016-03-16 02:34:00", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("128", "1", "2016-03-16 02:36:12", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("130", "1", "2016-03-16 02:37:27", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("132", "1", "2016-03-16 02:40:21", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("134", "1", "2016-03-16 02:42:15", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("136", "1", "2016-03-16 02:43:06", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("138", "1", "2016-03-16 02:44:32", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("140", "1", "2016-03-16 02:46:55", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("143", "1", "2016-03-16 02:48:27", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("145", "1", "2016-03-16 02:49:19", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("147", "1", "2016-03-16 02:50:36", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("156", "1", "2016-03-17 17:38:38", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("157", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:33", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("158", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:35", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("159", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:39", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("160", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:41", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("161", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:43", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("162", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:44", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("163", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:47", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("164", "1", "2016-03-17 17:35:49", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("166", "1", "2016-03-17 17:42:34", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("168", "1", "2016-03-17 17:43:30", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("171", "1", "2016-03-17 17:54:05", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("173", "1", "2016-03-17 17:59:26", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("175", "1", "2016-03-17 18:03:02", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("177", "1", "2016-03-17 18:05:24", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("179", "1", "2016-03-17 18:20:51", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("181", "1", "2016-03-17 18:23:27", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("184", "1", "2016-03-17 18:26:04", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("193", "1", "2016-03-17 19:28:41", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("196", "1", "2016-03-17 20:36:21", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("197", "1", "2016-03-17 20:35:45", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("198", "1", "2016-03-17 20:35:48", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("200", "1", "2016-03-17 20:38:21", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("202", "1", "2016-03-17 20:39:01", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("205", "1", "2016-03-17 20:41:49", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("210", "1", "2016-03-17 23:56:55", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("212", "1", "2016-03-17 23:57:18", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("215", "1", "2016-03-18 18:37:27", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("218", "1", "2016-03-18 18:37:35", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("224", "1", "2016-02-18 18:45:43", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("229", "1", "2016-03-18 19:14:38", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("233", "1", "2015-06-18 19:24:42", "2015...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("235", "1", "2016-01-18 19:26:31", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("237", "1", "2015-03-18 19:33:11", "2015...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("245", "1", "2016-03-19 00:07:06", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("255", "1", "2016-03-22 19:56:40", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("257", "1", "2016-03-22 19:57:56", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("259", "1", "2016-03-22 19:59:23", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("263", "1", "2016-03-22 20:10:09", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("264", "1", "2016-03-22 20:10:09", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("265", "1", "2016-03-22 20:10:09", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("278", "1", "2016-03-22 21:29:41", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("280", "1", "2016-03-22 21:30:32", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("282", "1", "2016-03-22 21:40:39", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("284", "1", "2016-03-22 21:41:48", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("292", "1", "2016-03-23 20:33:56", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("294", "1", "2016-03-23 20:35:02", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("296", "1", "2016-03-23 20:36:56", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("297", "1", "2016-03-23 20:36:55", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("300", "1", "2016-03-23 22:41:54", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("301", "1", "2016-03-23 22:41:57", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("302", "1", "2016-03-23 22:41:59", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("303", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:01", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("304", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:04", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("305", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:06", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("306", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:08", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("307", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:10", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("308", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:12", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("309", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:13", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("311", "1", "2016-03-23 22:42:16", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("325", "1", "2016-03-24 18:03:23", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("326", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:45", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("327", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:46", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("328", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:47", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("329", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:48", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("330", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:50", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("331", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:52", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("332", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:53", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("333", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:54", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("334", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:55", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("335", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:57", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("336", "1", "2016-03-24 18:02:58", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("337", "1", "2016-03-24 18:04:11", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("338", "1", "2016-03-24 18:05:06", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("339", "1", "2016-03-24 18:05:42", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("345", "1", "2016-03-24 23:26:40", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("349", "1", "2016-03-25 00:58:54", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("351", "1", "2016-03-25 00:53:44", "0000...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("355", "1", "2016-03-25 01:20:49", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("356", "1", "2016-03-25 01:20:49", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("357", "1", "2016-03-29 02:36:04", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("359", "1", "2016-03-29 02:37:41", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("361", "1", "2016-03-29 02:39:06", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("363", "1", "2016-03-29 02:51:36", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("365", "1", "2016-03-29 02:52:37", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("367", "1", "2016-03-29 02:53:47", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("369", "1", "2016-03-29 16:39:01", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("371", "1", "2016-03-29 16:40:24", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("373", "1", "2016-03-29 16:41:44", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("376", "1", "2016-03-29 18:46:54", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("389", "1", "2016-04-04 16:50:22", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("390", "1", "2016-04-04 16:50:00", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("403", "1", "2016-04-04 23:22:24", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("404", "1", "2016-04-04 23:24:54", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("405", "1", "2016-04-04 23:26:17", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("406", "1", "2016-04-04 23:32:06", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("411", "1", "2016-04-06 21:23:00", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("428", "1", "2016-04-08 22:02:48", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("430", "1", "2016-04-08 22:37:44", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("432", "1", "2016-04-08 22:45:04", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("434", "1", "2016-04-08 22:51:38", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("436", "1", "2016-04-08 22:53:31", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("438", "1", "2016-04-08 23:02:29", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("440", "1", "2016-04-08 23:37:16", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("442", "1", "2016-04-08 23:43:42", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("444", "1", "2016-04-08 23:45:21", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("446", "1", "2016-04-09 01:56:23", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("481", "1", "2016-04-13 02:08:44", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("482", "1", "2016-04-13 15:42:00", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("483", "1", "2016-04-13 15:44:03", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("484", "1", "2016-04-13 15:45:22", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("485", "1", "2016-04-13 15:46:41", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("486", "1", "2016-04-13 15:47:50", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("514", "1", "2016-04-14 21:59:46", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("515", "1", "2016-04-14 21:59:27", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("517", "1", "2016-04-14 22:14:55", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("522", "1", "2016-04-15 21:36:28", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("585", "1", "2016-04-19 20:02:46", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("611", "1", "2016-04-20 16:15:03", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("623", "1", "2016-04-20 16:50:15", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("625", "1", "2016-04-20 16:52:48", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("644", "1", "2016-04-21 21:07:55", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("645", "1", "2016-04-21 22:47:30", "2016...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_posts' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO `wp00600_posts` VALUES("646", "1", "2016-04-22 15:49:05", "0000...]
**ERROR** database error write 'Table 'BDGD360.wp00600_users' doesn't exist' - [sql=
/* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp00600_users */
INSERT INTO `wp00600_users` VALUES(...]
DROP TABLE: removed (0) tables

wp00600_commentmeta: (0)
wp00600_options: (201)
wp00600_postmeta: (719)
wp00600_term_relationships: (134)
wp00600_term_taxonomy: (51)
wp00600_termmeta: (0)
wp00600_terms: (51)
wp00600_usermeta: (26)
Removed '30' cache/transient rows

SECTION RUNTIME: 0.3628 sec.

STEP1 COMPLETE @ 10:31:42 - TOTAL RUNTIME: 1.4046 sec.

STEP2 START @ 10:32:03
NOTICE: Do not post to public sites or forums

[*] scan every column
[~] scan only text columns
[^] no searchable columns
wp00600_commentmeta^ (0)
wp00600_options~ (169)
wp00600_postmeta~ (719)
wp00600_term_relationships~ (134)
wp00600_term_taxonomy~ (51)
wp00600_termmeta^ (0)
wp00600_terms~ (51)
wp00600_usermeta~ (26)
SEARCH1: 'http://localhost/wordpress/006057_test'
REPLACE1: 'https://www.grupodigital360.com'
SEARCH2: 'C:/wamp/www/wordpress/006057_test/'
REPLACE2: '/var/www/vhosts/todoandroid360.com/grupodigital360.com/'
SCANNED: Tables:8 | Rows:1150 | Cells:4568
UPDATED: Tables:0 | Rows:6 |Cells:6
RUNTIME: 0.074800 sec

UPDATE `wp00600_blogs` SET domain = 'www.grupodigital360.com' WHERE domain = 'localhost'

No Warnings Found

created basic .htaccess file. If using IIS web.config this process will need to be done manually.
STEP 2 COMPLETE @ 10:32:03 - TOTAL RUNTIME: 0.0787 sec.
Thank you for the info, we are checking this issue with our developers.

Regards, AS Team.
We dont want your theme please we want our money back.. Please let me know the procedure.

We lost a lot of time and support is so slow.

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