Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Sorry, without link we can't help you. We can suggest you to use Firefox Firebug in case to determinate which css file and class should be changed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello ASTemplateTeam,

well i have the next question, i have installed an external slider (Hot Image slider), im trying to config it but i cant find the css to it, could you please explain. which buttons i must press to get to change option???

by the way thx for the other help. it all worked :)

thanks and regards
Sorry, we are not able to provide a free support for any third-party extensions. You have to contact the extension developer or ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team.
I chose this for my second template ..
Work perfect, excellent ....!

Thank you.

nb :
Now I know a little about CMS and I never imagine before that CMS with your template make a site become simply and powerfull.
Hello ASTemplate Team,

I have now a problem with the home button. If I click the home button, I come always on the splash page and not on the main site.

What should I do, to solve this problem?

Thanks and regards
We think you can create a new page and point the home button on the new page.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello ASTemplate Team,

didn't understand, what you mean with "create a new page".

Does this mean, that we should create a new "home" page? Please give here a little bit more information on this.

We didn't understand also, what you mean with "point the home button on the new page".

Please explain it for us.

Thanks and regards
Ok, you can point it on any other page on your website.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, my site : I have 2 problems 1)I want to change the image size of index.php. I do not know where it is either in code or in the css. 2) I can not change the color of a submenu. look here Thank you in advance
Sorry, what do you mean by 'changing the image size of the index.php', the images you can change in any of image editors.
The submenu color can be changed by editing the following images:


and '#header .row1 #topmenu ul li' class in tmpl.header.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased the template and installed it on Joomla 2.5.7. PHP 5.3.3 and this appearing these two messages:

Strict standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called staticaly, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/ftp.svinf/usrpage/templates/as002036/index.php on line 32

Strict Standards: Non-static method JApplication::getMenu() should not be called staticaly, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/ftp.svinf/usrpage/includes/application.php on line 539
You have some problems with your server configuration, please see the following post, it should help you to resolve the problem:

Regards, AS Team.

Some Users get a warning window when they visit my site:


CurveyObject Warning
zero-width box with no accountable parent
tag: DIV
class: curveyIgnore
Parent tag: DIV
Parent class: row 4

How can i solve this Problem ?

I use the actually firefox an there is no warning.

Please Help

thx manuela

There is some conflict between extensions. In position-0, please disable extension called JS Lightbox, then check your site for the error message, hope it will help you.

Regards, AS Team.
I want to map (through the tag map) the image of the homepage. I'm trying but not being possible? I had to leave the still image. And yet it worked in IE and not in Chrome. And also would like to leave the menu of the home page horizontally. You can? How?
Hello URUERA9,
Sorry, we are not able to provide support for free templates.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello ASTemplates Team,

we have a problem, which we could not solve. In the search on the Homepage, we want to change the color of the font, but we couldn't find it.

Where can we change the color?

Thanks for a soon answer.
The color is general for all fonts, in your case you have to create your own css and put in the Custom CSS area in the template parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
But the template is not free. I bought.
Hello URUERA9,
We are sorry, there are no purchased items under your account.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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