Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Hello support,
can you please indicate which file i have to edit to change the company's address at the google maps screenshot?

Thanks a lot!
There is no such file, you have edit it via the Joomla admin panel -> Extentions -> Plug-in Manager -> Google Maps -> Location settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello support,
i have a problem with template 002036.
the send button is out of alignment. how can i fix this problem?
web site adress:

Thanks in advance
Hello SWO9720,
Please add the following class in the Custom CSS area in the template parameters:

.fcp_sendrow input.button
height: 40px;
margin: 10px 0 0;
padding: 0 0 10px;
width: 132px;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello support,

how can i change the size of the module "position-1" so that all the buttons are in a row?

Thanks a lot!
Hello STC0506,
Please provide us with your site URL, we would like to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Support

I need a little help..
i wanna change some words at contact us tag..


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How can i edit them.. i looked for everywhere but didnt find any solution only they are left to edit.
Sorry, your question is related to the Contact extension, not to the template.
Not sure, but we think it should be change in the 'default.php' in the 'templates/as002036/html/com_contact/contact' folder.

Regards, AS Team.
i have one question..... I usw the home page as splash page....! This is very nice..... So there is my Main Menue visible. This is okay... but i dont want so see all the menue items there... just one! Can you tell me how to manage it just to show one menue item?
best regards
Hello PHILG84,
In your case it will be best to create two different menus: one for the splash page and the second for all other pages.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a problem with the template 002036. I can switch the color at the bottom of the menu button and on the top, but in the middle where the text is, the color is green.
Witch file is for the color in the middle of the submenu?
Hello KENNY50,
Can you please provide us with your site URL, we would like to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
The site url is
Hello KENNY50,
You have to change the background-color in the tmpl.header.css file, in the following class:

#header .row1 #topmenu ul li {
background-color: #ACB866;
height: 30px;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
width: 200px;

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your fast reply,
this was my first idea too.... How can i change the menue in the splash Page from the normal standart menue to my new menue called start????
Best regards P.
Hello PHILG84,
As example and only if you installed the template using quick-start package:
1. Please go to the 'Menus -> Home' and add few menu items
2. Go to the 'Module Manager -> Home -> Basic Options' and instead 'Main Menu' select 'Home'.

Hope it will help You.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Support,

I have a problem with Joomla 002036: I want to remove the bottom bar in soft yellow in www.ecoledetricot alias web page. I would like to know which file to modify.

Thank you

As we understand you would like to delete the Copyright bar, in this case, in the index.php file you have delete the following lines (559-573):

<div class="row3">
<div class="content">
<?php if($this->countModules('position-55')): ?>
<div class="row3col1">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="position-55" style="xhtml"/>
<?php endif; ?>

<div class="row3col2">
<div id="trademark">
Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php echo $app->getCfg('sitename'); ?>

Regards, As Team.
Hello Support:
I have some problems with the template AS 002036:
When I use <ol> lists are not displayed well, the numbers are not numbered, an image that overlaps the text and there is no indentation.
The valuation button appears misaligned.
They can see everything in
Sorry, we can't see this issue because your site is offline, error 500.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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