Joomla! Template 002040 - Item Support

I have just purchased the as template 002040. When I try to view the site I get the following error.


We recommend using quick start package to install this template. In case you wish the manual installation , you have to install all necessary extensions and configure it using joomla admin panel.

Please download latest version from your AS Template account, and follow this documentation :

Regards, AS Team.
Hello... After installation this Joomla template using Quickstart package could not get access to the administrator backend!!! (Of course I am printed the same all as when i am installed the site... Something like that for example : login: admin and the password:123456 :)) But after that i see: "Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet." (Installed on a local server at first)... In what may be the problem? Please!! Help me...

Try to use another username in installation mode , like administrator.
We will check this issue asap.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello... I want to insert a counter code in your template 002040, but could not find where i can do it... In template manager (where i can change and edit main page template) i saw just a few lines (<?php
if (class_exists('T3Template')) {
$tmpl = T3Template::getInstance();
} else {
//Need to install or enable JAT3 Plugin
Sorry, but i dont know PHP very well... So... Can you help me... WHERE I CAN FIND THE CODE OF MAIN PAGE TEMPLATE (and paste the code of counter between <body> and </body> tags... :)) Thank You...

Go to templates / as_002040 / blocks / head.php

You can put your code in head.php file. Let us know if you still have problems.

P.S. Ignore last comment .

Regards, AS Team.
Earlier this year I purchased template AS002333 and it performed as advertised. Based on that I purchased another template AS002340 and I cannot get it to work like your demo shows.
When I downloaded the template I got 4 zipped files:
When I used the Extension manager to upload and install the quick_start nothing happened.
When I used the Extension manager to upload and install the template it said the template was installed successfully.
When I used the Extension manager to upload and install the Extensions I received the following error: JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
When I used the Extension manager to upload and install the images nothing happened.
I then tried to view the site and there were no pictures or menu items like the demo showed.
I tried looking at the YouTube video but with just music playing and a mouse moving around I cannot follow what I need to do.

The template is T3 based Joomla template, there are two ways how to install it:
1. Install Joomla template using Quick-start installation package, so it will looks exact like the demo preview.
2. Manual template installation and modules configuration.

The quick-start installation package you have install exact like you installing Joomla package downloaded from site, you can't install it on already installed Joomla, please carefully read the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

I have recently purchased this template, and I love it!

I was wondering what did you use on the demo home page, when you hover the image it gives you details. Is that an extension that comes with the template, if so what is it?



This is Captify Content module , you can see it in position 7 in module manager.

We would like to see Your URL.

Regards, AS Team.
If I try to use Phocamaps Plugin then the Image looks like good. I think the reason of this lies in the Template. Can you give me a hind ?


Sorry we are not able to support third party extensions not included in the template for free. You have ask for our services, thank You for understanding.

Regards, AS Team.

Hope my questions are not too lame, I am new with K2! Questions are as follows:

1. What did you use on the demo "Sales", the display that shows item details on hover? (I did check the features sections and couldnt figure it out)

2. How did you get the 'extra fields' on the items to display as beautifuly as they do: for example "Property Details" for homes for sale. When I add extra field they just appear as normal text, no decorative boxes around:)

PS: Havent uploaded my site yet on remote server.



1. Sales is Mini k2 module - you can see it in position 8

2. If you go to Components / k2 / Items / Home For Sale Lot#1 for example in html sourse code editor you can see :

<h4>Property Details:</h4>
<div class="k2_general_information">
<span id="k2_general_information_left">Beds:</span>
<span id="k2_general_information_right">5,</span>


<span id="k2_general_information_left">Neighborhood: </span>
<span id="k2_general_information_right">The Lakes,</span></li>



We are going to add module configuration article in "How To" documentation with explanations about the modules and extensions used in the template ASAP.

Regards, AS Team.


Thanks for your prompt assistance. I was able to use successfuly all the help you gave me:)

One more question:

1. How did you add the property images i.e

When I try to add an image gallery to a k2 item, I get the message: "Notice: Please install JoomlaWorks Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin if you want to use the image gallery features of K2!"

I did install the Simple Image Gallery (Not Pro) not sure if I am missing something?



Please, read following article :

Regards, AS Team.

May I know as how to reduce the width of template. It is very wide and want to reduce its width.


Hello EKASI4U,

This is responsive template, that means it automatically change the width. It depends on the resolution of the screen, from smartphones to 23 + inch monitors. You can check it out if you resize the browser.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Templates Team,

I installed this template via the Quick Start package and its really nice.
Unfortunately the K2 will not work with the simple gallery.

Notice: Please install JoomlaWorks Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin if you want to use the image gallery features of K2!

When I open one of your sample pages (i.e. Home For Sale Lot #1) I get the error message: "JW_SIG_PRG"

Also the information in K2 is showing me that this module is not installed, even in "Plugins" I can see the Simple Gallery and the plugin is enabled.

Any idea what I'm making wrong?

Kind regards,

Looks like you have wrong permissions in your Joomla.

Regards, AS Team.
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