Joomla! Template 002046 - Item Support

Hello again!

This time I've got a problem with submenus and third level menus: On firefox and opera everything works fine, but IE9 and IE8 third level menu appears behind submenu, I can access third level items only by clicking 3 pixels wide strip on the right side of submenu. (Oferta dla Ciebie ->Telewizja) How to fix it?

Thank You for noticing abount this issue.
In the modules/mod_as_menu/css/ext.default.css file please find the following class (line 172):

#as-menu li:hover ul,
#as-menu li.asHover ul
left: 0;
top: 75px;
z-index: 100;

and delete z-index property, it should looks like the following:

#as-menu li:hover ul,
#as-menu li.asHover ul
left: 0;
top: 75px;

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks, it works!
I am getting this error when trying to install this template.

Some errors occurred while populating the database: No database schema exists for this database type.

The db is installed and operational. Can you help?
Do you have a search function on your support forum so a customer can see if thier issues have already been addressed? I don't see one.
We are sorry, but we can't help you in this case, the problem is related to the Joomla installation. We think there are some problems with you database configuration, please ask for help your hosting provider or use Joomla forum:

Sorry, our clients never experienced such problem.

Regards, AS Team.

There is a problem in uploading images frontend because there no Slyle.

Regards (German)
I used the quickstart package, and when I updated, I got the following error:

"Table 'mydb_clal3.k2lqj_content_types' doesn't exist SQL=UPDATE `k2lqj_content_types` SET `table` = '{"special":{"dbtable":"#__content","key":"id","type":"Content","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"},"common":{"dbtable":"#__ucm_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}' WHERE `type_title` = 'Article'; "

Any fix that you are aware of?

Also, I think it's here, but I have no clue, other than the fact that your template doesn't contain this data.


Just checked our quick-start package one more time, it works perfect, please be sure you have created a new database on the same hosting.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I am having an issue and i hope you can help.

My issue is with module 4, I am using a custom HTML to try to get a image and text together using image float. The image is on one side of the header and the text is on the other. Ive tried to change the bootstrap but no luck. Can you help with this?

<p><img style="text-align: center; float: left;" src="images/sampledata/as002046/free-ar-consultation.png" alt="free-ar-consultation" width="197" height="197" /></p>
<p style="size: 14px;">Contact us today toll free</p>
<p>Or by email</p>

Hello 4KTOBIN200,
You have to change the logo bootstrap size in the template parameters, we have changed it for you, please check.

Regards, AS Team.
Disregard my last post. I was able to resolve it.
Thanks for your help. Now I am having a similar issue with the footer. I have our service locations in the footer but am had to make it a table and does not format correctly in all browsers and for handheld devices. Do you have any suggestions?
Hello 4KTOBIN200,
We are not sure if it will work as a table, anyway, please provide us with your site url, we would like to see this issue, the url you provided before is not working.

Regards, AS Team.
Where can i add a links to the images in position 31 for the scroller?
Hello 4KTOBIN200,
The links you can put using the extension parameters ->scroller configuration parameters -> urls.
Please see the following page for the urls example:

Regards, AS Team.
can you please give me an example for adding links to the scroller configuration.
Hello 4KTOBIN200,
Here is an example:,,,

Regards, AS Team.
I have actually tried that before with no results. This is an example of what i'm gettng when adding URL's in the scroller configuration.

I am wanting them to open up in a new window and go to the website of the logos.

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Joomla 5 Product
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