Joomla! Template 002046 - Item Support

Yes, if you have some basic knowledge in HTML and CSS you can easy integrate and replace all fonts used in this template with yours, your css classes you have to put in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team :-) Thanks for your quick answer.
Can you tell me please, where I can send you a privat message with the domain and logins?

or should i send you this here in a comment and you dont publish this here?

I installed not the quick-start installation package. I installed the template and extensions seperatly to a running joomla3 system.

greetings :-)

We will be able to help you only in case if you installing this template using quick-start package, as we suggested in our previous post if by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings, or you can ask for our installation services via the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS, A while ago I bought AS002046 and I removed some code from the contact page. Today I wanted to add the Google Map code, but I can not find the code anymore. And therefor can not add it to the contact page. Can you guys help me? Kind regards, Dirk Brösel
What is your site url please, we have to see the problem.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, AS Team, thank you for your help. But I must say I am not so good in HTML and CSS, that´s why I bought your template :-) There is one more template I have bought and I can see similar problem with Czech letters. Is there any simple way to correct this problem?
You can ask for our services via the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

the template is AS002046 and is installed on
This is only visible on smarthpone.

I only need the original HTML code from the contact page,
something like and the explanation on how to change the MAP url, so it will not be stuck on Toronto.

<!-- Plugin Google Maps version 2.18 by Mike Reumer
// url base(): (10007 KB)
// url base(true): /demo/asj46 (10007 KB)
// Protocol: http:// (10007 KB)
// langtype: site (10008 KB)
// Joomla lang: en-GB (10008 KB)
// site lang: en (10008 KB)
// googlewebsite: (10008 KB)
// urlsetting: http_host (10008 KB)
// url: (10009 KB)
// key: (10009 KB)
// brackets: { (10009 KB)
// Memory Usage Start (_process): 10052 KB (10053 KB)
// clientgeotype: google (10082 KB)
// Memory Usage End: 10106 KB (54 KB) (10106 KB)
--><!-- fail nicely if the browser has no Javascript -->
<noscript><blockquote class='warning'><p><b>JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Google Maps.</b> <br/>However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. <br/>To view Google Maps, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then try again.</p></blockquote></noscript><div id='mapbody1_t522l_0' style="display: none; text-align:center"><div id="googlemap1_t522l_0" class="map" style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width:100%; height:100%;"></div></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/
var mapconfig1_t522l_0 = {"debug":"1","show":"1","mapclass":"","loadmootools":"0","googlewebsite":"","align":"center","width":"100%","height":"100%","effect":"none","deflatitude":"43.656877","deflongitude":"-79.32085","centerlat":"","centerlon":"","address":"","latitudeid":"","latitudedesc":"0","latitudecoord":"0","latitudeform":"0","controltype":"UI","zoomtype":"None","svcontrol":"0","zoom":"10","corzoom":"0","minzoom":"0","maxzoom":"19","rotation":"1","zoomnew":"0","zoomwheel":"0","keyboard":"1","maptype":"Hybrid","showmaptype":"3","shownormalmaptype":"1","showsatellitemaptype":"1","showhybridmaptype":"1","showterrainmaptype":"1","showearthmaptype":"1","showscale":"0","overview":"0","ovzoom":"-3","navlabel":"0","dragging":"1","marker":"1","traffic":"0","transit":"0","bicycle":"0","panoramio":"none","panotype":"none","panoorder":"popularity","panomax":"50","youtube":"none","wiki":"none","adsmanager":"0","maxads":"3","localsearch":"0","adsense":"","channel":"","googlebar":"0","searchlist":"inline","searchtarget":"_self","searchzoompan":"1","weather":"0","weathercloud":"0","weatherinfo":"1","weathertempunit":"celsius","weatherwindunit":"km","dir":"0","dirtype":"D","avoidhighways":"1","diroptimize":"0","diralternatives":"0","showdir":"1","animdir":"0","animspeed":"1","animautostart":"0","animunit":"kilometers","formspeed":"0","formdirtype":"0","formaddress":"0","formdir":"0","autocompl":"both","txtdir":"Directions: ","txtgetdir":"Get Directions","txtfrom":"From here","txtto":"To here","txtdiraddr":"Address: ","txt_driving":"","txt_avhighways":"","txt_walking":"","txt_bicycle":"","txt_transit":"","txt_optimize":"","txt_alternatives":"","dirdefault":"0","gotoaddr":"0","gotoaddrzoom":"0","txtaddr":"Address: ##","erraddr":"Address ## not found!","clientgeotype":"google","lightbox":"0","txtlightbox":"Open lightbox","lbxcaption":"","lbxwidth":"500px","lbxheight":"700px","lbxcenterlat":"","lbxcenterlon":"","lbxzoom":"","sv":"none","svwidth":"100%","svheight":"300px","svautorotate":"0","svaddress":"1","earthtimeout":"100","earthborders":"1","earthbuildings":"0","earthroads":"0","earthterrain":"0","kmlrenderer":"google","kmlsidebar":"none","kmlsbwidth":"200px","kmllightbox":"0","proxy":"1","tilelayer":"","tilemethod":"","tileopacity":"1","tilebounds":"","tileminzoom":"0","tilemaxzoom":"19","imageurl":"","imagex":"","imagey":"","imagexyunits":"pixels","imagewidth":"","imageheight":"","imageanchorx":"","imageanchory":"","imageanchorunits":"pixels","twittername":"","twittertweets":"15","twittericon":"\/media\/plugin_googlemap2\/site\/Twitter\/twitter_map_icon.png","twitterline":"#ff0000ff","twitterlinewidth":"4","twitterstartloc":"0,0,0","lang":"en","mapType":"hybrid","geocoded":0,"tolat":"","tolon":"","toaddress":"","description":"","tooltip":"","kml":[],"kmlsb":[],"layer":[],"lookat":[],"camera":[],"msid":"","searchtext":"","latitude":"43.656877","longitude":"-79.32085","waypoints":[],"mapnm":"1_t522l_0","descr":"0","geoxmloptions":{"titlestyle":" ","veryquiet":true,"quiet":true,"iwmethod":"click","sortbyname":null,"linktarget":"_self","linkmethod":"dblclick"},"icontype":""};
var mapstyled1_t522l_0 = null;
var googlemap1_t522l_0 = new GoogleMaps('1_t522l_0', mapconfig1_t522l_0, mapstyled1_t522l_0);
/*]]>*/</script></div> </div>

<!-- Contact details -->

Kind regards,

Dirk Brösel
Here is an original source code:

<h2 class="item_title">We're here for you</h2>
<p>Vivamus auctor justo ac ipsum suscipit sed pulvinar quam porttitor. Pellentesque blandit condimentum dapibus. Aliquam tempus vulputate leo id pulvinar. Proin ultrices tincidunt sem, sit amet congue felis imperdiet interdum. Duis in leo eros, vel luctus erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquet ante et mauris vestibulum dignissim. Fusce quis bibendum lorem. Integer venenatis aliquam justo quis varius.<br /><br /></p>
<div id="contact_map" class="contact_map">{google_map}</div>

The google map location you can change by editing Latitude and Longitude parameters in your Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Plugin manager -> Google Maps -> Location settings page.

Regards, AS Team.
PS. the "Notify me when a comment is posted" button doesn't work,
I haven't got a notification of your comment.....

Kind regards,

Dirk Brösel
It is because you unsubscribed from our letters in your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS,

The code works, but the plugin doesn't work, probably because I removed it a while ago. Don't know why, but must have got a reason for deleting it.

Is there anyway you guys can tell me how en where to get the right plugin?

Kind regards,

Dirk Brösel

PS: this comment should be a different thing then the newsletters.
I want to be kept informed about this comment, but I don't want newsletters.
Why is that the same thing?
The Google Map plugin you can take and instal from the template package -> extensions folder, the package you can download from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
I can not edit the menus and menu links, my template (002046 Joomla Template 3 bootstrapped!).
Not available to edit

Jean Gomes
Hello JEAN1000,
Can you please provide us with more info regarding the problem? What menu are you trying to edit, what error message are you receiving, etc?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, i'm using astemplate 002046, when i try using module smart search with keyword "test", in the result like those:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\templates\as002046\index.php on line 41,
Can someone help me???
Hello KPPN133,
This notice you can disable by changing Error Reporting parameter to 'None' in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configuration -> Server -> Server Settings section.

Regards, AS Team.
could you suggest how can i move the logo and "call us" positions closer to the left. Thanx a lot.
Hello KATTY25,
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
I was a big fan of your templates and extensions until I noticed, that this template isn't able to show my article-tags. I'm very disappointed because of that. I very much hope you will fix this in the next version of AS002046!
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Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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