Joomla! Template 002052 - Item Support

Dear AS Designing Support-Team,

now i have purchased the template no. 002052 "Milano".
But I have some problems to customize the template.
I want to customize it like the demo template, but . . .

(1) The images of "AS Art Slider" have no frames ( I use the Slider in the
download package.)

(2) In the "Single" Newsflash Module i only can insert one article-id.
So I used the advanced Newsflash Module of Joomla,
but the articles are not side by side in 2 (4) columns like in the demo.

Is there any documentation for customizing the "Milano" template?
It would help me if there is a quickstart installation with all example content.

Best regards
If I use the "Read more ..." link on the first site, the AS ArtSlider is trying to load images, but the images are not being displayed.

Best regards
Our suggestion is to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
Here is info how to install this package:

BTW, what is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased Joomla! 3 Bootstrapped Template - 002052, regular licence.
I have a problem with the AS Artslider. Everithing was ok, until i make my site multilingual.
Now it didn't shows any images in slideshow like you see from the website:, home page.
Can you help me to fix this problem?
Thank you,
PLease provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, we have to check this issue, the info please put in the Special Info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Support-Team,

now i have install the quick-start installation package and copy the values from AS Art Slider into my project. The frame is now visible. It work's.
Hello AS Designing Support-Team,

I want to make a second logo for Retina- and HiPDI-displays available.
Is there a manual?

Regards, Peter
No, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team

I'm using the free version of this template, and i have the same problem with the Contact-Site as cesarezzi POSTED: 2013-11-29

"... when i try to display the "Contact Form", and contact details with a menu item, that content is not displayed. I've tested with the default templates, and it works ok, what could be causing this issue?

I can't find any solution here in the comments.
Can you give me some help with this?!

Begining of installation procedure - Main configuration
Open your web browser and navigate to the folder that you uploaded your package to. Your url might look like this
First please choose the language, then fill out all requred filds.
Due to security reasons as a user name we recommend other name than 'admin'. Click 'Next' button.


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How can I do?
What is your site url please, we have to see the issue? It looks like you have some misconfiguration on your server.

Regards, AS Team.
can you tell me where I can change the color of background?
We are sorry, your membership subscription does not include our support.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear support-team.

I have 2 problems with this bought template. First, the mod_as_artslider don't works on iphone (4,5 and 6). The site shows no slider pictures.

The second. This artslider is an old one who doesn't works for joomla 3.3.6. The pictures are missing by site-upgrade. Id would be perfect to have a solution for this... Thanks a lot.
Hello NAOMI650,
The slider is disabled on mobile devices with resolution less then 768px.
For checking the issue with the slider we need to see your site, can you please let us know the url?

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Support Team
We urgently need the pictures on iphone too. The slider on Ipad works perfect.

And thank you for your feedback...
Hello NAOMI650,
You can do it by editing the following files:

Please find slider-row class, see below, and delete 'display: none;' property:

#slider-row {
display: none;

Regards, AS Team.
Would it be possible to add the Google Web Font Cinzel to the list, or to let me know how to do it manually?
For any customization requests please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

if I look at the demo of this template, the main-menu (as-positon-1) is right from the logo. I download the free version and the main-menu (as-position-1) is right but under the logo? Is their a difference in free-version at the positioning of the logo?

as-position-35 is only available in the profi-version?

Thanks a lot.


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Joomla 3 Product
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