Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support

Have you installed it using quick-start installation package? Because in position 1 is published main menu.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi There,

I recently purchased the premium version of this template (002060) and I'm almost finished modifying it for my site (local host for now). I have a question about the Pos6 "read more" on the front page. When I click the read more button I want it to jump down to rest of the article on the same page but, when I do, it jumps back up to the top of the page instead. The read more portion of the article appears where it should, but readers have to scroll down view it (kind of eliminating the purpose of the read more button).

I've been struggling to fix this (trying to use anchors, etc.), but to no avail. How do I make it so that when I click "read more" it jumps down to the article? Thanks in advance!
Anchors will not help in this case. There is only one way, You have to create a menu item and point it to this article.

Regards, AS Team.
That did the trick! Thanks so much!
yes i have configured it exactly like in the documentation, but still not showing the circles overlapping the slider.

Whats going wrong?

Thank you.
Hello BERLI76,
We have to see the problem, please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, the info please put in the Special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
hi! last question... i need modify the text of 'read more' button.. how can i do it?
You can override it in your Joomla admin panel -> Language Manager -> Overrides by adding the following constants:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team!
I have purchased the Template and successfully installed an modified.
1 question i can not found here the answer:
Where can i modify the links in the 4 circles. I would like linking to a other article as configured.
Hello MICHAEL2014,
In position 6 we have installed newsflash modules, each module points on some category with one article and 'Read more' button, please see the following page for more info:

As well some info about published articles you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.

Which is the function of Modal position? Could I put the sitemap here?
No, you can't put sitemap in this position, because modal position is not visible.

Regards, AS Team.

on the login section I'm not seeing where it says don't have an ACCOUNT PLEASE CREATE ONE. I just have forget password and forget username. Can you help me figure out where and how I can have don't have an ACCOUNT LINK please?

This option yu have to enable in your Joomla admin panel -> Users -> Options (see button on the right side) -> Allow User Registration.

Regards, AS Team.

I don't think I know how to disable them I see they are under calcutaled setting2 they say "not Allowed" where do I need to go to enable them.I did the steps you said but I'm still not able to give them permission. help please

This option yu have to enable in your Joomla admin panel -> Users -> Options (see button on the right side) -> Allow User Registration.

Regards, AS Team.
please disregard the messages I got it

thanks a bunch
Hi, having trouble installing the extensions on a fresh install, would prefer not to use the quick install for security reasons.

Trouble with : Message: Warning JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /home/allness/public_html/ Message Error installing module Using Joomla 3.2, latest stable version from site. There were other error messages with JInstaller on another module, but, it said it installed anyway. Also, when are updates on the templates published anyway?

Thank you, James Cori
Please download the latest version from your AS account, the problem was resolved in the version 1.0.1

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS-Team

Thank you very much for your answer.
Unfortunately thats not solved my problem.
The "Read-More button is now linked with a categorie and a article, so i understand. Where exactly is this lonk defined?
I would like show this article WITHOUT the Homeslider on top. But i have searched the whole categories and modules and not found how i can change these settings. As well i can not found a modul named "article-newsflash". I have build many joomlasites with difficult templates, but now i am on the end :-) Please excuse my bad english. I hope, you understand my problem

Best Regards
Hello MICHAEL2014,
In case to show articles without the slider and all other modules you have to create a new menu with new menu items and point them to your articles.

Regards, AS Team.
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