Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support

Hello AS Team

I have purchased and installed the template AS-002060. I have a question about the template positions for the user login and the Joomla contact.
It's not possible to configure the plugins (user login and contact) to write the data into postions 20,21. The system plugin will always write the content to the main container. So it will overwrite also the positions as-position-10 and 11.
The Webseite:
Please click in the main-menu on "Kontakt" or in the "Forum" on "Benutzername vergessen" the same are on the "Mitglieder-Login".

Any idea how this can be solved?
There is no option to have 2 forms on one page, that is a reason why you can't publish the login module on this page.
This option should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS TEam,
misunderstood :-)

Unfortunately thats not solved my problem.
The "Read-More button and the circle is now linked with a categorie and a article, so i understand. Where exactly are these links defined?
Hello MICHAEL2014,
Have you created menu items as we asked you in the previous post?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

please i only would like to know where is the link defined?
If i create a new menu, the site will no more look exact like your demo preview. That not solve my problem, i think so
Hello MICHAEL2014,
It will look exact the same, you are creating just a menu you are not publishing it, in the menu create a menu item and point it on your article. Just do it.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

after doing a clean installation of this template (quickstart) the browser wants to access a .css file which does not exist in the file-structure:

Is this file missing in your template? Seems to be the css corresponding to the quick edit buttons.

Best regards
Can you please provide with an access to your site, we will check and fix this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the fast response!

It would be nice if you could provide the name of the file in which the system-modules get assigned to their template position..

Best regards
We are sorry, there is no such file, as we told you it should be developed and integrated in the template.

Regards, AS Team.
SURPRISE! It works! Thank you so much.
Even though I do not understand how this works... :-)
Maybe you can explain it in a little tutorial on your website...

Best Regards from Michael
Hallo AS Team,

is there a possibility to get capital letters for the main menus?

Regards, Gabi
Yes, you have to edit 'templates/as002060/css/ext.asmenu.css' file, please look for the following class and change the ' text-transform' value to 'uppercase'.

#as-menu > li a,
#as-menu > li > span {
color: #FFFFFF;
display: block;
font-weight: normal;
letter-spacing: 1px;
line-height: 20px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 10px;
text-transform: lowercase;

Regards, AS Team.
Hey AS Team,

thank you for the quick answer. You misunderstood me :D I want the letters in that size, that I configured in the backend. Backend = Frontend

text-transform:none; doesn't work :(
Oh. I forgot to clean Joomla's cache... Problem Solved!

Thank you
Good evening thank you for your help(assistant) in advance because I am a fdele of your templates

My question 1:
In the template we have under the slider 4 witches' position how to make if we click an image to reach directly the article by having a schroll then how to reduce the haurteur of the slider thank you in advance

je suis francais avec un anglais de M....

Hello ALAIN67,
Please see the following comments,hope it will help you:

The height you can change using ArtSlider 'Height' parameter under Slider settings tab, all available parameters you can see here:

Regards, AS Team.
Thanhk you

Question in the template he(it) it in 4 circle with jpg I would want to delete(eliminate) the link of the image in the circle because I do not use to read the continuation(suite) but a link text which goes towards another article thank you for your answer

chambre Capucine url is ok : good
Delete(Eliminate) the link in the image

Best regards
Alain 67
Hello ALAIN67,
We are sorry, the extensions doesn't have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
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