Joomla! Template 002061 - Item Support

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I tried the free as002061 on a new joomla installation and the same Message occurred.
In case to help you we need to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Good morning, we have installed as 002,061 quickstart package but did not install the template you've bought. How can we do to see it like you have in the demo? Thank you.
It seems you forgot to install the template sample, please see the template documentation Finalization step:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

i've bought a license of your nice template and have a few questions about changing some minor things:

1. i've found this post here:

"Dear Sirs: On 9 October 002061 buy template - Joomla! 3 Bootstrapped Template - Extended License.
I looks gorgeous as all they do, but I wanted to make a small modification:
How I can change the color of the blue line is above the logo?
I want to change the blue to green and do not know which file is the code
If you could inform me they would be very grateful.
best regards,
Javier Jimenez
POSTED: 2014-10-19

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Hello JAVIER21,
You can do it by editing tmpl.default.css file, the following class:
#header-row {
background-color: #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #44b1dc;
border-top: 1px solid #44b1dc;

Regards, AS Team.

That's exactly what i tried, but when i change the color values in tmpl.default.css file nothing happens.
My tmpl.default.css file now :

background-color: #ffffff;
border-top: 0px solid #4a4a4c;
border-bottom: 0px solid #4a4a4c;

but the lines are still blue.
I've tried to delete browser cache and used two different browsers. No success.
Same thing is with #footer-row

2. i want to change the color of the orange line at the top menu above the menu items and i also want to change the background color of the drop down menu.
can you tell me plz where i can do this ?

3. is it possible to change the normal color and hover color of the facebook symbol in the social menu at the top and at the bottom? i want to do the same thing with the arrow button at the bottom right of the page.

4. is it possible to change the blue color of all headlines like the ones from "maintaining", "installation", "repairs" and "planning" ?

5. i have disabled some modules at the bottom of the page. Is it possible to center the remaining "contact us" and "follow us" modules ?

6. is it possible to add a field to the "contact us" linked contact which shows the email adress ?
i can just see fields for phone, mobile, fax and website.
is it also possible to change the font size these fields ?

7. i want to change the language of the "email plugin":
"Send an Email. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required."
"Send Copy to Yourself "
"SEND EMAIL" and again change to color of this link

I hope you can help me changing these points.
The URL is if you need it.

Thanks in advance.

best greetz
Hello QLINK99,
1-4. Any changes should be done by editing css files, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and usingOpera Fireblug plugin:
For more info please see the following article:
Or you can always ask for our customization services:
5. You can try to center by changing bootstrap column size parameter, the parameter you can find under the module advanced options tab.
6-7. Unfortunately Joomla does not have an option to change/add fields in Contacts component, in your case you have to use some plugin/extension which has such option, we can suggest this one:

Regards, AS Team.
I have a question regarding Template by AS Designing 002061. The Masonry slider does not work correctly when updating Joomla to the lastest version (3.5.1) The pictures do not line up correctly when updated. Is there an update available for the masonry slider? How can I fix this, what would you recomment? Thanks for your time.
The slider is fully compatible with the latest Joomla version, or demo preview just updated to the latest joomla version (3.5.1):

as you can see everything working fine. Probably you are running some extensions which cause the conflict.

Regards, AS Team.
HI AS Team,

i'm trying to get the header logo horizontally centered but without success.
i tried to add

margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

in bootstrap.css:81 but i doesn't work.

Can you tell me how i can get the logo image centered ?

Thanks in advance
Hello QLINK99,
You may ask for our customization services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
I have a small pre sale query.
In the Module Configuration, :
Position 5
Module: Article Newsflash (gallery)

Is this the default Joomla module or a third party module.
It is AS module based on the default Joomla module, it has much more options then default module.

Regards, AS Team.
One more thing. The user wants just the module at Position 5, logo and main menu on the home page. No content or any component.

Is it possible
Yes, it is possible, you will need just to disable all unnecessary modules.

Regards, AS Team.
I downloaded .
I could not setup Articles - Newsflash module as shown in your documentation.
While selecting Alternative Layout I have only "Default", "Horizontal" and "Bootstrap" but no "Massonary" as shown!!!
What should i do?

Do you have this template in quickstart? There is no quickstart in downloaded .zip
The quick-start package is available with the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

where can I change the vertical size of the "customer review" module.
I’ve tried to change “Vertical Scroller height” under Basic Settings, but this does only take effect in portal mode and not in normal mode.
I’ve also tried to change “bootstrap size” und Advanced Settings, but it doesn’t change anything.
I want the module to be much thinner concerning vertical height…

Thanks in advance

Hello QLINK99,
What is your website url please and page where we can see the module?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,


open "Über Uns" -> "News" in main menu

under news article is the blue "Kundenmeinungen" or "customer review" module.
It's a news slider module...

best regards
Hello QLINK99,
The module width can be changed using Bootstrap column size parameter under the module Advanced options tab only, sorry, there is no other option.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
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