Joomla! Template LT Business - Item Support

The background video on the Component SP Pagebuilder does not work. Neither a youtube-Link nor a internal video is running. Please give me an advice.
How is it possible to change the Mega Menu settings? For example how can the menu-button layout be changed?
Thanks! Its
When hovered or active I´d like to have a border around the menu item and different text color if possible.

Thanks a lot!
The LT Business quick start package is missing the XML file. I need help with this asap so I can begin working on my new site. Thank you.
I got two menus on my page. The first one (main menu) is displayed at the top. The other one on the left side on the page, which is displaying all the submenu items from the main menu. This works fine. But there is still the Dropdown menu (submenu items from the main menu) activated. How can I deactivate displaying the dropdown-submenu items?

thanks for the Code!
Unfortunately the submenu items are still displayed after saving the custom css. Only the arrows disappeared.
May you have another idea?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the quick Response!
...but the submenu-items are still visible..
Another question..
I implemented a sidemenu and assigned it to a few pages.
There is no list style defined.. is there a possibility to Show a small Icon in front of the menu items?

Thanks a lot.
Hello again,
I was able to solve the problem with the submenu-items at the top. I inserted "Display: None; !important" at template.css (r. 844).

But I still got no solution for the liststyle..
Thank you so much.
Thumbs up for this awesome Support!
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Item Name:
LT Business
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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