Joomla! Template 002098 - Item Support

Hello PIER1976,
You can download the premium version from your AS account and update changed files accordingly to the release log:

Regards, AS Team.
First of all, thank you for solving the problem with the slider caption on mobile devices. I have uninstalled the AS 002098 template and late i have installed the AS 002098 ver 1.2.1. From that moment on the mobile devices the AS Sequence Slider module goes to place under the superfish menu module. Please see on the mobile devices
Any ideas on how to solve? thank you.
but have you decided not to answer me anymore? however, another error on the form sequence slide, does not call the title tag and this for the seo is a big problem.
Hello SPRING49,
We are sorry, the slider does not have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I am trying to get through the Joomla template installation using quickstart package, and am stuck on the database configuration. It won't accept a blank Database Name, nor will it accept the name of one of the two MySQL databases
(Databank Oplopend
Totaal: 2)

also tried simply using JOS_ or tmp.

What's the name supposed to be?
error message Im getting is this: Error
Could not connect to the database. Connector returned number: Could not connect to MySQL.
come on guys, bought the paid version specifically because of the promised easy install. Now i'm waiting half a day for you guys to get back to me, starting to regret this already!
For the database connection info please contact your hosting provider, sorry we cannot help you in this case, you can get it from your hosting provider only.

Regards, AS Team.
That makes no sense to me: I've installed this as a clean install on a server where all I did before was try to install the free version of this template, why does it even need to refer to an existing database instead of set one up in the setup process? I've inputted whatever I could find, but it won't install.

It seems your quick & easy installation is far too complex for a normal user, so I'll delete the template. I will also expect a full refund on my payment, can you do this?

Thanks in advance,
The quick-start package installation and regular joomla package installation exactly the same.

Joomla package installation documentation you can find here:

The quick-start package installation documentation is here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there
Is there any documentation about this template (wich is terrific) ?
For instance, I'm looking how to change the background image.
Thanks by advance
We are sorry, we do not see this item under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I tried to install as002098_quickstart on my localhost but the following message appears at the end: JInstaller: :Install: Can't find Joomla XML setup file. The Joomla package cannot be installed through the Extension Manager. Please use the Joomla! Update component to update Joomla.

I didnt have problems when I isntalled as002098_template.

Thank you for your help
Hello MICKY1973,
Quick-start package cannot be installed through the Extension Manager , the package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, for more info please see the template installation documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, thank you for your answer. When I tried to install as you tell me, at the end I get the following error message:

Duplicate entry '1-700' for key 'PRIMARY'
Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
Duplicate entry '1-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

So I hope that you can help me with it.

I dont know if this problem is because Im trying to install the template on my localhost.


Hello MICKY1973,
Sorry, we cannot help you with your localhost, try to install it on your live server.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I installed the template in the server but does not appear the slider or the other options that I saw in the Demo.

My website url is

Thank you


Hello MICKY1973,
Please do not install any languages during installing the template quick-start package, you can install them from your Joomla admin panel ater finishing the quick-start package installation.

Regards, AS Team.

I have a problem with the text colors of the name of my website that appear on the footer

My website name is "lugares y destinos" but "lugare" is in green color and "s y destinos" is in white color. How can I do to change this? I need that "lugares" appear in green color and the rest in white color

My website url is

Thank you for your help

Hello MICKY1973,
You can add more characters by editing 'templates/as002098/css/style.iguana.css' file, please see line 12.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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