Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

I am having major problems installing and uploading the template as well as locating the file! I uploaded the template on my site ( but it is not reflecting the template. The positions shown on the parameter ( is not exactly what the template showing. Are superposing the positions? I can not even make changes to my site because the positions are not exactly what it says in the parameter. I also followed the guide using quickstart guide and here is the error issued:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ordering' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

Files Update: SQL error file DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ordering' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

Hello 11HELP11,
To make your Joomla! site look like our live demo please, you have to install all necessary modules through the administration section of your site. In your case we recommend you to check the template documentation:

As well, please be sure you have Joomla 2.5 version installed on your site.

Regards, AS Team.

I think previous message shows an error when trying to install the template using the quickstart as described on on the link you sent

So indeed I read and followed the necessary administration section guide and I got the error shown on my previous message:

I already followed the instructions from the but I am still getting the same database error message:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ordering' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

Files Update: SQL error file DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ordering' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;
Hello 11HELP11,
As we see you already have joomla installed on your server, you have completely delete all joomla files on your server, all database tables and then try to install the quick-start package, we recommend not to use the 'jos_' prefix for the new installation.

Regards, AS Team.
I've just purchased the template for one domain name (
I'm on tranferring the actual site to a new provider, developed with joomla 2.5, and this template.
In the mean time we want to keep on-line the old version (pure html site), but I need to show to my friends the progress I made in the new site developing (

May I use the template on the developing hosting domain until I'll be ready to switch to the new graphic and technology??

Or can you suggest me the right way to do this ??

Thank you
Gianmario Piovano

Yes, as the site developer you can use it on your test server.

Regards, AS Team.
Here is my point: I want to upload the template using quickstart so it can look like or reflect the template itself. I have Joomla 2.5 and I followed the installation guide
While installing a database error or SQL occurred, see below. I have all the Joomla files, none were deleted. Can you look at this error and figure it out? How did you know that files were deleted without the site administrator login? It does not make sense to me!

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ordering' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

Files Update: SQL error file DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ordering' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;

Also on
Are the module positions superposed? How do we know that this position is for Home or Feature or Services and so on?
Hello 11HELP11,
Please carefully read our comment. We are not saying that files were deleted, we are asking to completely reinstall Joomla, in case to install the quick-start you need:

1. Delete all joomla files on your server
2. Delete all joomla database tables
3. Install joomla follow the template documentation.

Regards, AS Team.

The comment says 'you have completely delete all joomla files on your server' my understanding is 'd' was missing or forgotten on delete instead the 'to' was missing in front of completely.

I have deleted the joomla application 3 times and reinstalled 3 times still receiving the same SQL error. My web hosting is through and installs the joomla application meaning we don't have the option to manually install following the AS Designing guide but the recommended settings were installed as on or per

Also you said not to use 'jos_' prefix for the new installation, which one do you recommend?
Hello 11HELP11,
Sorry, you are saying:

' installs the joomla application meaning we don't have the option to manually install'


'I have deleted the joomla application 3 times'

how is that possible if you do not have such option, only godaddy can install it for you. We think there is a problem with your hosting provider. Sorry, in this case we can't help you.

You can choose any prefix, for example: 'jos1_' or '11help11_'.

Regards, AS Team.
What do you mean "Sorry, in this case we can't help you"? It is simple. My web hosting provider is and they have difference option for the host application (wordpress, joomla, drupal etc...). I chose joomla and godaddy guided me on how to install per your After that I can upload or delete the template of my choice which was AS002027 from AS designing. Indeed I can uninstall and reinstall the template many times.

In my opinion your templates have missing components and the module positions showing on do not match the template design home page

Here is my question is the module position shown on is it for the display of the home page or features or services and so on? It does not tell! Or they are all superposed, we just have to figure out?

This what I am calling home page
Hello 11HELP11,
You have to install our Joomla quick-start installation package instead the joomla package provided by GoDaddy, as well you have follow our documentation instead GoDaddy guide.

'A quickstart is basically a fully functional and customized Joomla! package containing the default Joomla installation package, all modules, choosen template and plugins with all the configurations and data in one place. The sample data in the quickstart package is also personalised according to the template and is much different to the sample data found in the default Joomla package.'

Sorry, there are no any missed components in the installation package. Please visit site and learn more about Joomla.

Regards, AS Team.


How do I install my own fonts?
Hello 11HELP11,
You have to add them in the templateDetails.xml file, please look for field names: body_hfontfamily and body_fontfamily (lines 239-289).

Regards, AS Team.
I tried it does not work. On the template manager under "General Configuration Parameters" on the field "Heading / Main menu font family" of the drop down list I selected the font added, saved and then refresh the home page.

Here is the code added to body_hfontfamily so it will change the header:

<option value="rosewood std bold">rosewood std bold</option>
Hello 11HELP11,
This is not a standard html font, probably you need to install some jscript api, we think you have to contact the font developer.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I tried so many variations, but the result is only, that the menue is on another place. I only wish, that the logo (image) moves a little bit higher. The distance between logo and row0 is too much. I won't make the logo smaller. I have no idea.

Hope you will understand me.
Kind regards,
Have you used quickstart installation package? What Joomla version do you have and please provide us with your site URL, we would like to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I posted my problem on 01-10-1012 and just answered on your last post to me.
It is Joomla 2.5 and all is correct. I only want the logo a little bit higher.

If I edit
tmpl.header.css file (line 148):

#header .row1 #companyname {
height: 97px;
margin: 45px 0 0;

ist the menue an another place, not the logo.

Kind regards,
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