Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

Try to change the margin to the following:

margin: 22px 0px 23px 0px;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I can adjust the contact form that the user can attach a file?
Regards Thomas
Hello THOMAS73,
The contact form which we have in our template doesn't have such option.
You have to look for some extension, sorry about that.

Regards, AS Team.
On the home page under "Projects Overview" How can I put or display more than 8 images? It only displays 8!

I can not find the parameter for Phoca Gallery so I opened the link below and there is a "Limit Count' parameter under 'General Settings' on phoca gallery documentations. I would like to know how to set the limit count! And where to find the parameters!

Hello 11HELP11,
In the Joomla admin panel please go to the Extensions -> Module manager and find module with type: Phoca Gallery Image Module (it should be in position 50 if you used quick-start installation package), open it and under Basic Options -> General Settings you can find parameter called 'Limit count'.

Regards, AS Team.

I am trying to display the content with regular bullet points unfortunately it transformed the bullet points to images see content below and send the link for image displayed below because it does not let me paste the images:

Our Services

Thamani Company is specialized in three main industries that serviced the retailers & wholesalers, brokers & importers/exporters, and businessmen & professional people in the US.

Mining industry: The Company supplies the retailers & wholesalers industry with raw materials that include diamonds, gold, coltan and many more minerals to come.
Software Industry: The Company provides electronic filing 'primitive' software to brokers & importers/exporters for import/export use in Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Training Industry: The Company offers CAD/CAE/CAM software training to businessmen and professional people in the engineering field and or students.

Here is the HTML Code:

<p style="text-align: justify;">Thamani Company is specialized in three main industries that serviced the retailers &amp; wholesalers, brokers &amp; importers/exporters, and businessmen &amp; professional people in the US.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"> </p>
<li style="text-align: justify;">Mining industry: The Company supplies the retailers &amp; wholesalers industry with raw materials that include diamonds, gold, coltan and many more minerals to come.</li>
<li style="text-align: justify;">Software Industry: The Company provides electronic filing 'primitive' software to brokers &amp; importers/exporters for import/export use in Customs and Border Protection (CBP).</li>
<li style="text-align: justify;">Training Industry: The Company offers CAD/CAE/CAM software training to businessmen and professional people in the engineering field and or students.</li>

How can I get it to display the regular bullet points instead of the image shown on that link?
Hello 11HELP11,
It is designed to work with images instead bullets.
To change the list style to bullets you have delete 'list-style' from the following class in the tmpl.content.css

#colmain ul li {
line-height: 17px;
list-style: none outside none;
padding: 0 0 0 30px;

and 'background-image' from the following

li {
background-image: url("../images/");
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

But you have to know that it may not work properly for other list styles.

Regards, AS Team.

Chroma Explorer and it works fine, but Firexfox slip up in the template.

What could be the problem?

In the meantime, I found the location of the fault.
Positions than 6 More than 5 service adjusts the Firefox slips apart.

How can it be remedied?
All looks fine, very strange. Can you please contact us via the 'Contact Us' page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we would like to check this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
The problem is with a number of menu items in position 6, you can't have more then 7 menu items in this position.
If you need more, our suggestion is create a new menu with the rest of menu items and add it in position 8, above the image.

Regards, AS Team.

How do you get the product page "order" button to work? It does not do anything when clicking on it! I login as a register user and as an admin still did not work.
Hello 11HELP11,
Order buttons have dummy links, they created for preview only.

Regards, AS Team.
How do I get the email address on the home page to show up more clearly (under Get In Touch)? It looks gray and faded.
Hello 11HELP11,
In the tmpl.custom.css file or in the Template Custom CSS area please add the following class:

#footer .row2 #contactus a
color: #CFCFCF;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I would like takeout the lines in the slide. Howcan I do it? Thanks you.
Can you please provide us with your site URL, we would like to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.

i just tried to install the template with the quick start installation. When I try to install it with the extension manager by uploading the package i just does nothing. There are no errors and the installation doens't simply happen.
Any ideas how to get this fixed?

me again. Well, the reaction of joomla doesn't follow any principle. Now it says "copy failed" when trying to upload and install the quickstart version of the template.
Any idea?

Thanks in advance
The quickstart can't be installed via Extension Manager, please see the template documentation, it should help you:

Video Tutorial:

Regards, AS Team.
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