I want to load the pre made quickstart package up in Joomla and it won;t install the zip file even though have downloaded it.
I can only get the sample template working currently. Any ideas
POSTED: 2016-08-18
If you want to install template via Extensions Manager of your Joomla!, you must to use Template Package instead, but you must to buy content by yourself, not based on sample data like demo site.
I visited the SP Page Builder website and do not know which package to buy for the editor with 40+ features.
There are Basic, Developer, Extended with $39, $179 and $69 respectively.
Also another pricing Personal, Business, Developer with $59, $99 and $299.
POSTED: 2016-10-06
Hello JOEGAN123456,
You should use package $39 for single domain. In our template, we just use Free version of this extension, and that's enough for us to build layout for all templates. However, if you use PRO version of this page builder, it's better than and save development time with more add-ons.
The PRO version that you are referring to is this one (https://www.joomshaper.com/documentation/joomla-extensions/sp-page-builder)? and cost $299?
Is $39 version having the same features as the above or lesser features? What is not included in $39 version?
Sorry for asking this question, because I initially thought there are only 2 versions, Free or Paid. Paid version is Pro version, but it seem that there are 2 paid versions. The paid Basic and paid Pro version, then what is the different between Free, Paid Basic and Paid Pro version in term of features.
I wrote to SP Page Builder, no one seem to read or reply to my questions about the different in term of features between different version.
I was hoping they have a table to tell the difference between them.
Hello, the advanced portfolio module stopped working after a joomla update. I cannot update the extension because I do not have the 'unique download code' you get when you purchase it. Do you have the could you use so I can update? Thank You
Good afternoon. I bought the template demo. Spend the installation, as described in the instructions, but the template is empty. There are no modules, and images, as in the example on the website. What to do?
POSTED: 2017-12-11
I see your email support, please check and follow up my answer, I just answered you via email support.
Hello. I bought Regular License. After installation there are problems with displaying the portfolio module on home page: https://prnt.sc/hqwjjd
Can you help to fix it?
Thank you!
POSTED: 2017-12-23
Please go to Template Settings, open tab 'Custom Code' and add more CSS below for Custom CSS code field
I Install the Quick start pack (AT CREART) and this show an error
syntax error, unexpected '[' in
home3/ticoweb/public_html/innovartehope.com/html5/administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/addon.php on line 124
We mentioned about your problem after update Joomla!, it's SP Page Builder admin menu bar problem, we show how to solved it, please check and follow up.
I am install Joomla_3.8.3-Stable-Full_Package.zip and it is work corrctly, but with your package not work, please sent me another solution or cancel my subscriptions so I need solve urgent this problem.
POSTED: 2018-01-17
We mentioned your problem and how to solve it, did you try it?
I quote below:
If you see BLANK via Error 500, or with this details error “Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild() in /[joomla-root]/administrator/modules/mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu/tmpl/default_enabled.php on line 16″
SOLUTION? => This is problem with SP Page Builder admin menu module, you can fix it by temporary by go to this directory [joomla-root]/administrator/modules/, and rename folder “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu” to “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu__”.
This is the error:
syntax error, unexpected '[' in
home3/ticoweb/public_html/innovartehope.com/html5/administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/addon.php on line 124
Not this:
Error 500, or with this details error “Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild() in /[joomla-root]/administrator/modules/mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu/tmpl/default_enabled.php on line 16″
I rename “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu” to “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu__”. but it isn't work
The temporary link is:
Get an access to all 211 items designed and developed by Age Themes team plus all the future items
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Price starting from $51.75
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My email address is hillskillisback@hotmail.com
Can you let me know which package do you want to install? If you want to install Quickstart package, please follow this instruction http://agethemes.com/how-to-install-quickstart-package/
Thank you,
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I want to load the pre made quickstart package up in Joomla and it won;t install the zip file even though have downloaded it.
I can only get the sample template working currently. Any ideas
If you want to install template via Extensions Manager of your Joomla!, you must to use Template Package instead, but you must to buy content by yourself, not based on sample data like demo site.
With Quickstart package (theme and sample data like demo), you must to follow this instruction to install http://agethemes.com/how-to-install-quickstart-package/
Thank you,
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There are Basic, Developer, Extended with $39, $179 and $69 respectively.
Also another pricing Personal, Business, Developer with $59, $99 and $299.
You should use package $39 for single domain. In our template, we just use Free version of this extension, and that's enough for us to build layout for all templates. However, if you use PRO version of this page builder, it's better than and save development time with more add-ons.
Thank you,
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Is $39 version having the same features as the above or lesser features? What is not included in $39 version?
Sorry for asking this question, because I initially thought there are only 2 versions, Free or Paid. Paid version is Pro version, but it seem that there are 2 paid versions. The paid Basic and paid Pro version, then what is the different between Free, Paid Basic and Paid Pro version in term of features.
I wrote to SP Page Builder, no one seem to read or reply to my questions about the different in term of features between different version.
I was hoping they have a table to tell the difference between them.
Regards & Thanks
As I told before, you just use $39 package, so you can access all features for SP Page Builder (PRO), and purchase link via https://www.joomshaper.com/page-builder#pricing
For other package $69, it's use for Template Provider who use SP Page Builder (PRO) to build template.
And rest package is for Freelancer/developer, this package support unlimited domains.
Hope it's clearly, for other pricing, I think you misunderstood with Template & Plugin Membership package from JoomShaper.
Thank you,
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- Cody
Please get patch update here https://www.dropbox.com/s/68kszy6vnyeledb/com_advportfoliopro_patch_update_j37.zip?dl=0
Then, install it via Admin > Extension > Manage > Install, then recheck.
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I see your email support, please check and follow up my answer, I just answered you via email support.
Thank you!
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Can you help to fix it?
Thank you!
Please go to Template Settings, open tab 'Custom Code' and add more CSS below for Custom CSS code field
.projects-wrapper .column-4 {
width: 24.1%;
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I Install the Quick start pack (AT CREART) and this show an error
syntax error, unexpected '[' in
home3/ticoweb/public_html/innovartehope.com/html5/administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/addon.php on line 124
Please Thank you for you help.
Please read our blog https://agethemes.com/things-to-do-before-upgrading-joomla-3-8/
We mentioned about your problem after update Joomla!, it's SP Page Builder admin menu bar problem, we show how to solved it, please check and follow up.
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I am install Joomla_3.8.3-Stable-Full_Package.zip and it is work corrctly, but with your package not work, please sent me another solution or cancel my subscriptions so I need solve urgent this problem.
We mentioned your problem and how to solve it, did you try it?
I quote below:
If you see BLANK via Error 500, or with this details error “Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild() in /[joomla-root]/administrator/modules/mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu/tmpl/default_enabled.php on line 16″
SOLUTION? => This is problem with SP Page Builder admin menu module, you can fix it by temporary by go to this directory [joomla-root]/administrator/modules/, and rename folder “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu” to “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu__”.
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syntax error, unexpected '[' in
home3/ticoweb/public_html/innovartehope.com/html5/administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/addon.php on line 124
Not this:
Error 500, or with this details error “Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild() in /[joomla-root]/administrator/modules/mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu/tmpl/default_enabled.php on line 16″
I rename “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu” to “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu__”. but it isn't work
The temporary link is:
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Version PHP 5.4.45
Version MySQL 5.5.51-38.2
Version Apache 2.2.34