Joomla! Template AT Creart - Item Support

I change ($page = []) to ($page ) on /administrator/components/com_sppagebuilder/builder/classes/addon.php

and fixed my problem
Now I try to access to administrator and the page not work

/plugins/quickicon/akeebabackup/akeebabackup.php on line 240.

I installed the template. Uptate to acutal Joomla-Version (3.8.x) not possible? 3.6.5 is possible, but if I try to update to 3.8.x (via backend update check) it breaks an the backend is gone).

Also I have a problem with php. I run php 7.1 on the web server (7.2 is also possible).
I get the messages: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /www/htdocs/w01887f8/ on line 490

Installed with quick installation.

Need help, thanks
I wanted to update all extensions first and it turns out the Advanced Portfolio Pro Extensions is there in a newier version but it seems this is a paied software. Is it fact that i can now only ran the older version 3.8.2 instead of running the latest 4.1.0 ?

thx for answeres
Hey guys, is it ok if I always ask here for new versions of Advanced Portfolio Pro Extensions ? There is an update to 4.1.1 available.


I'm having problems installing template 002036. I have Joomla version 3.9.12 installed. but I can't install the at_creart_joomla_quickstart_package template.

I need your help to install
Sorry, not quite understand, with which template do you have a problem, 002036 or AT Creart?

Regards, AS Team.

I need to install at_creart_joomla_quickstart_package, but when uploading the file in joomla the installation is not complete and I cannot select in the option Templates: Styles

Is there a video tutorial to install?

I already noticed the tests they recommended but it doesn't work. I think it is a problem with the file that was sent to me, when you unzip it you cannot find the folders with the contents of joomla.

I need your help as soon as possible. Previously make the purchase of another template and the files are different.

Thanks for the support

I solved the problem
Hello! I need help

I bought the licence for AT_CREAT but I am not able to upload this template because of the upload size of this template file. I am not able to upload it on my server. I was not aware of this problem, there is no description of the size of the template bevor download.
A) Is there a easy solution to overcome this problem and to upload the Template into Joomla ?- How?
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Item Name:
AT Creart
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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