Joomla! Template 002104 - Item Support

Hello Team,

I made the order, Transaction ID: 36460464US0292207 .

When will I receive the template?


Hello Team,

I got the download link. However, I see the text Expiration Date, what does it mean? The template is just downloaded within 1 year only or just used for my website within 1 year? Please make clear this.


The license grants you access to download the item/design for a period of 365 days after the date of purchase. During this period, the item/design will be upgraded regularly and your license grants you permission to download these upgrades. After your license expires, you may continue to use the templates your entitlements allow for, so the template is not time-limited.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Team,

I have 2 questions, please support me:

1. I updated my address, 411/15A Lê Đại Hành, phường 11, Quận 11
Ho Chi Minh 700000, Việt Nam, at the page Contact but the google map doesn't show it correctly. You can see it at my website,

2. I didn't find where to locate configuration of the email form (fields: Name, Email, etc.), at the page Contact. Can you show me?

3. If I try to install Vietnamese language from the menu Extensions/Languages, are there any problems with the theme?

4. How to change slogan "DAYCARE AND EDUCATION CENTER"?

Hai Nguyen
Hello AS-Team,
in the menue on home, which is just below the sliders (3 circles - at our homepage "Feriencamps 2018, Erlebnisfuehrungen, Demnaechst") you can not change articles. If I chose in "Erlebnisführungen" the article "Feriencamps 2018", nothing changes. Why is it not possible to change articles in this menue? Please help.

Thank you
Just checked your website, the links are fine, have you managed to resolve the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

another question: how can I show the module "contact info" in mobile vision?

On which page we can see the module?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
everything is on
Answer to My first question: I did not change the articles, because it did not work. Now I changed "Erlebnisführungen" to the article "Feriencamp 2018". If it would work correctly, the article Feriencamp 2018 would appear 2 times on home. But nothing changed.
To my second question: I urgently need something that appears just in front of all, because our company moved and we have problems with the telephone provider - means we currently do not habe internet or phone. So I used the module contact - which appears on desktop view, but it does not appear in mobile view. How can I change this?

Thanks cleversmart
I don't need you help according to the contact info. I found someone else who answered immediately.
Now there is still my other problem:
"Hello AS-Team,
in the menue on home, which is just below the sliders (3 circles - at our homepage "Feriencamps 2018, Erlebnisfuehrungen, Demnaechst") you can not change articles. If I chose in "Erlebnisführungen" the article "Feriencamps 2018", nothing changes. Why is it not possible to change articles in this menue? Please help."
I have changed the article "Erlebnisführungen" in "Feriencamps 2018", so there should be "Feriencamps 2018" on the left and in the middle. But it does not work.
Sorry, not quite understand the problem, are you trying to change article content or ordering? Can you please provide us with screenshots?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS-Team,

I would like to send screenshots, but I don't know how. Please show me a possibility.
I have chosen the same article in both circles of the menue with the 3 dots/circles on home (I have two screenshots: erlebnisfuehrungen-backend and camps-backend). And frontend shows to different articles.(screenshot: frontend) Why?

You can upload screenshots on your server and provide us with links.

Regards, AS Team.
The newsflash module shows articles from Home 3 Kreise category, if you would like to change some article you have to change article category.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, im just testing your template.
I have just a few questions before going further and possibly adquire one license:
-The logo where it says: HAPPY CARELAND...daycare and education center y put
"GENIO" in big red font like "HAPPY" and "S JUNIOR" in small like "CARELAND". How do I change this to look fine?
In template style i find the slogan configuration but nothing about the Logo that is shown (it takes the website name, but why does it cuts the two words on the 5th character?)
- Are the 3 articles in coloured circles a module? If its content how are they disposed in 3 columns next to eachother?

Thank you.
Hello LUICHI24H,
We are sorry, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi As team,

I am a bit confused of some of the above comments. What should mean 'premium version only'? Premium version of what? Thought, there is a 'regular' and 'extended' types of the license. And, the only difference is number of domains on which the template is able to be used. Or, am I mistaken?

Let me ask in a different kind: I need Daycare template on two languages, tree domains with some minimal support. What type of license to buy? And, any additional steps from my side needed?

Thanks in advance,
Premium version means any of purchased licensed: regular or extended. In your case you will need to buy extended version, no any additional steps.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you!
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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