Joomla! Template 002040 - Item Support

Hello SALLY70,
You can do it by editing css files only, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I have a problem with Captify Content, in Frontend Error! Unable to retrieve any Images!

I edit the Modul and i can't select ... Category Filtering or...Item Filtering on the register K 2 Item Settings.

Is this a problem in K2 , Mistake in Category or Item ?

i hope you can help me ;-)

Regards Stefan
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

That settles the matter.

Yet I have install quick-start with data and it runs. When you install quick start without Data and then the Modul you get a Bug.

modulcaptifyContent .... or modulcaptifycontent
captifycontent.xml ... or captifyContent.xml

Regards Stefan
It is the same, the case sensitivity is set to your server configuration file, our suggestion is to ignore it, it is not good for SEO, for example your site in lowercase is not working.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I installed the manual version of the template, AS-Slider and CaptifyContent. AS-Slider works fine. For captify content I choose K2 Items as Image Content source. K2 Items are available. But no images will displayed at captify content. The url to the page and access, you can see under my account. Hope you can help me?

Hello JAZZ100,
It seems you did not install this template using quick-start installation package. Our suggestion is to install the quick-start package in some demo folder and than set all parameters on your site exact like in the demo package, K2 and Captify Cotnent extension have a lot of parameters, please check carefully all of them.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

thx for your fast response.
Because of a joomla-pre-installation from the provider, I can't use the quick-start-installation-package on server. But before I installed the page on the server, I installed the quick-start-installation-package local, after that, I installed the page manuell on my local system. Local, in both installations the captify content works. So, I installed it on the server with the same parameters as on the local system, but it doesn't work. I tried different settings since wednesday, but without any success. No images will displayed. Now, I don't know what else I can do.
Hello JAZZ100,
Please do not try different settings, all settings should be exact the same in extension and K2.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I tried different settings, after the same settings as on the local installations, didn't work. Now, I have the same settings as on the local installation, but also didn't work.

Hello again,

I deinstalled the captify content module and installed it again. The installation was successful without errors. Then I open the captify content module, I get the following error: modul-xml not avialable. Do you know that problem?

Best regards
Hello JAZZ100,
So how did you install it first time? Did you get any error message?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS-Team,
sorry for my late reply. No, at first install, I didn't get a error message.

Hello JAZZ100,
It is strange, is not?
We still recommend you to install the template using quick-start installation package, or you may ask for our installation services:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS-Team,
yes, that's really strange.
But I found the first problem. I changed the file mod_captifyContent.xml to mod_captifycontent.xml and now it works. Only on "K2 Item Settings"-Tab, I can't choose a category. K2 categories and K2 items are applied.

Can i change the Template Styles defaults to white background or another color? i've bought your template number 002040.
All these changes you have to di in the template css files, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:
Or you can ask for our customization services:

Regards, AS Team.
i found the css file but where can i change the color in white of the rectangle?

What is your site url please? What exact part are you going to change, if there is no css probably you have to create your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.

The action buttons are not working.

(The template has been purchased under Extended licence).
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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