Joomla! Template 002044 - Item Support

we are sorry, we do not see it, can you please provide us with the page url?

Regards, AS Team.
Template 002044
How do you change the color of the buttons on the AS Nivo Slider. They are currently a baby blue and I'd like to change them to maroon. Thanks!

You have to edit bullets.png file which can be found in the modules/mod_as_slider/images folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi. It's still me. I made web backup and I have still this same problem. So, why i still cannot open article and gallery?
Best Regards
that's the link to mine article:
We are sorry, our antivirus blocks your site, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks so much! I was able to alter the buttons. I really love this template and am in the process right now of altering some of the color scheme. I am doing pretty good but I'm stalled at the headings. i am using the orange style and I'm trying to change them to maroon before i start putting in my content. If you have a chance take a look. - or

I'm also having trouble changing the hover button color. If I am on the Features page and i hover over the drop down menu the button color does not change to orange, but if i hover over the drop down menu for services the parent button turns orange. Thanks so much for your help. I am trying to get the color scheme right before i begin to add content.
Did you try to change colors using the Template Parameters -> Header Configuration Parameters -> Main Menu?
If you still have problems please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, we will check what is wrong and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
I sure did! That's what i thought to do and as you can see i was successful with some of it like the left column. I am trying to use #70000B universally for all of the headings, menu navigation. Thanks so much i really appreciate you taking a look.

We are sorry, there was a mistake from our side in the class name, we have fixed this issue, please check, it should be OK now. Thank You for noticing about this problem.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks again for all your help. I really want to use this template! LOL!

This is an article type page as you know with headings. I see where I can control the font and color of the headings TEXT (H1, H2, H3) but there is no control to change the color of the gold bar the heading text sits on top. I tried the free version on a dummy test site to see if i could get it to work by changing the style sheet but it didn't work either.
Thanks again!
Please add the following css in the tmpl.custom.css file and change the bacground-color with yours.

#colmain #component h1,
#colmain #component h2,
#colmain #component h3,
#cmp_colmain h1,
#cmp_colmain h2,
#cmp_colmain h3
background-color: #CAAB00;

Regards, AS Team.
I am sorry for my tardy response. You guys rock. The code worked perfectly. I added it and began working on the site. It's complete! I am having issues pointing the domain name to the index folder. The site works fine when i do but i get locked out of the admin panel. There's something i need to fix but i haven't found it yet. If you have any ideas let me know. At any rate i just wanted to let you know I love the template and I'll be buying a few more! I'll also spread the word about AS Templates. You have great designs and the admin panel is a dream to work with! Keep up the good work!
We are sorry, not quite understand your question, what do you mean by: 'I am having issues pointing the domain name to the index folder. The site works fine when i do but i get locked out of the admin panel' .

Regards, AS Team.
It's all good and thanks for responding. It was fixed by my hosting techs. I really appreciate your efforts!

thank you for your quick answer.

During the Installation the program asks which sample data should be install.

Could you please help? Which sample data should be install:

Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Bloginhalte
Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Prospektinhalte
Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Standardinhalte
Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Joomla! lernen
Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Testinhalte

Thank you very much.

Nadine from Germany
Should be installed Default Sample Data package, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
If I start the install of the package

as002044_quickstart for Joomla 3.0

I have to choose one of

-Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Bloginhalte
-Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Prospektinhalte
-Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Standardinhalte
-Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Joomla! lernen
-Englische (GB) Beispieldaten: Testinhalte

If I want to start the install of

as002044_quickstart for Joomla 2.5

the Browser says

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '(' in .../includes/framework.php on line 42
What PHP version do you have? As you installing the template on your localhost?

Regards, AS Team.

PHP 5.3


MySQL 5.5.28
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Joomla 5 Product
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